You have probably heard the saying, everything happens for a reason or purpose; there is no accident in the entire universe. We are in this constant exchange of energy with the world around us. The constant sharing of our thoughts, words and actions is our currency and the universe reflects or gives us what we need in return. The universe, like the body, is trying to harmonize and find peace. Aligning the spirit with the body and mind supports us in identifying our purpose and can offer us harmony over time. Have you ever been asked, do you know what your purpose is? Or maybe the question, what’s your dharma?
The P word- Purpose. Notice the thoughts that this word provokes. For me, it was a word that carried weight, anxiety and fear that I wouldn’t unlock my ultimate purpose in life. What is my purpose? Should I buy a one way ticket to India, sit in lotus hoping to find the answer to this question?
For me, Purpose isn’t about a final destination, a one liner I can clearly state or a statement spelled out in less than 150 characters but rather, it offers to be equally complex and readily available.
For me, Purpose is made up of puzzle pieces that capture my experiences, a story scribbled on each piece that denotes a piece of wisdom that I graciously carry.
Like any puzzle, there will be pieces darker and less favourable than others. However, I must treat each piece the same, knowing one can not work without the other.
So, here’s how.
First, let’s get clear- there is no room for rumination, we are looking at facts and asking, why did that happen for me? Reflecting on moments in our life up until now.
1. Write down age ranges. You can break up the years however you like, 5 year spans seem to work for me as I get older but do whatever makes sense for you.
Think back to when I was 5 years old.
Think back to when I was 5 years old to 15 years old.
Think back to when I was 15 years old to 20 years old.
Think back to when I was 20 years – 25 years.
Think back to when I was 25 years to 30 years old.
Think back to when…
2. The questions that I ask myself for each range…
What was I doing during the time? (school, job, traveling, etc)
Is there any significant memory? What stands out?
Who did I look up to?
What did I love doing?
What could I do for hours without noticing the time?
You see, if I can look at purpose as a combination of puzzles pieces I can start to see the bigger picture. Each element of my life marked on the pieces carrying equal weight, meaning and beauty. Each piece depending on the next and eventually all making sense.
Now, see if you can craft your purpose and cultivate illumination when thinking about your what you are uniquely qualified to bring to the world.
Photo Credit: Court Abram