Tami Holmes runs a successful business in Residential Real Estate sales serving Southwest Ohio. Even though she found her beginnings in a “depressed market”, she learned the importance of adaptation. From an early age, Tami was taught a good work ethic and to serve others. These are the values she brings to her clients daily. She would never consider herself a success if she were selling homes, yet had to sacrifice her reputation. Growing a business that provides value to her satisfied clients every year makes Tami a success.
Before Tami made real estate a career path, she gained considerable experience buying, restoring, and selling her own homes. In time, she realized she could use this knowledge to help other families in their home selling process. Tami has always spent time serving others both in the US and overseas. She saw real estate as a logical transition to use her skills and still be able to fulfill her passion of helping people. Her deep faith supports her desire to serve, and she is grateful to be surrounded by people who inspire her every day. Even as a child, Tami’s youngest sister, living with Cerebral Palsy and constant pain, showed the world what it’s like to choose joy in the face of affliction. “Having her in our lives really taught us to have empathy for others and to realize that life is a gift, even if it’s not ideal.” Tami carries that inspiration with her in business and in her everyday life. She finds freedom in the ability to give back to others, both monetarily and of her time.
When Tami first started her business in 2005, the real estate market was low. This was a difficult time for anyone, especially a new business owner, to find success. To survive, she quickly learned how to set herself apart through her marketing. However, there was a learning curve while she was intentionally growing. Before she could increase her business, Tami needed support staff so her clients weren’t neglected. Yet, she needed revenue to pay her staff. To grow, she learned it took commitment and confidence. She created a team that monitors the marketing of each listing and oversees the transactions all the way to closing. This made Tami and her agents available to care for the buyers and sellers in every way they can.
With uncertainty comes fear. Tami believes that preparation and education can eliminate many of the fears people experience in business. To set herself apart, she continuously improves her marketing through workshops taught by top marketing coaches. Here she learns what works, and what she needs to change. She recognizes that methods from two years ago no longer have the same effect today, so a willingness to adapt is crucial. By preparing herself for these changes, Tami faces them, rather than fears them.
For anyone interested in starting a business, Tami would remind them it’s not enough to fall in love with the idea of being your own boss. It is important to understand both the benefits and challenges you will face. Once you commit to taking on the challenges, don’t look back. Things will get rough and money will get tight. Continue to educate yourself, adapt, and stay on top of your profession so you can offer the best service possible.
Tami understands the definitive role a business’s online presence plays. Next she plans to raise the bar by using social media in new ways to reach more of her market. You can follow Tami on Instagram @tamiholmes.