Use this 5 complete game-changers
In their bestselling book „The One to One Future“, authors Don Pepper and Martha Rogers suggest this strategy: “find the 20 percent or 2 percent of your own customers and prospects who are the most loyal and who offer the biggest opportunities for future profit”.
This was back in 1994. Today, we hear and read about „reaching 1000 followers by providing value and making them into loyal customers by providing more value and transforming them into raving fans by providing gigantic value“.
I’m at the bottom of this chain. I have 36 followers on Medium. I’m working with less than 10 clients on my workshops program.
One advantage of this tiny business model I have is more time to read, learn and discover amazing content.
I observe and suck in from the best of you.
The other one is I invest the whole of me in those clients and followers I have.
1 on 1, me and them.
That’s not easy at all. Everyone is different. Everyone has its own unique gate to open and move to take action for desired outcomes.
Here are 5 inspiring stories how 1on1 marketing can be a complete game changer
Small client base
Frank Kern is a relatively unknown consultant who earns millions of dollars. I was introduced to his book „How to get consulting clients“ by my girlfriend. He writes about choosing the right segment of your market.
According to Frank, „the segment you get the most and the fastest results for is likely to pay you the most money with the least resistance“. He suggests to offer your help and explains how he tells people why is he offering help.
He’s asking questions about his potential client’s. He want’s to know about their goals and helps to formulate a plan based on their answers.
„I went out, found some people that needed help; I helped them and got paid. My clients pay monthly and stay a long time so I don’t need very many. If you can get that client the results faster than he can get them on his own, then that’s all you need.“
Frank Kern
I love Frank’s simplicity. He made me realize how I can start offering my own service.
Touching every one of your clients
Sebastian Maniscalco is a relatively unknown stand-up comedian who earns millions of dollars.
He does this by performing up to 5–6 times a night and by shaking hands with the whole crowd after the show. Touching people one by one.
He thanks them for supporting him in person. This is what I call „The Jesus Christ marketing approach“. Physical and emotional experience combined.
Every time I did this kind of extra effort, I felt people want me to succeed.
Invest in a meaningful 1 on 1 relationship
Ben Hardy is #1 writer and Ryan Holiday is a bestselling author of „Conspiracy,“ „Ego is the Enemy“ & „The Obstacle Is The Way“.
This collaboration is interesting from the marketing point of view because Ben paid Ryan for his expertise. In his own words: „Working with Ryan has shown me just how low my own standards for my work are…I had to pay to improve my environment.“
This 1on1 dynamic created a fascinating book I’m reading. Collaborating with Ryan was a marketing for Ben also. Maybe they create a lifetime relationship. Even a friendship. They market each other now.
This means more than invested money. It means surrounding yourself permanently with people who symbolize you while doing your best work.
There are two books at my desk right now. „Willpower doesn’t work“ by Benjamin Hardy and „Meditations“ by Marcus Aurelius.
Becoming a mentor to an Influencer
Dan Penna bumped in the London Real studio to appear on this podcast. Brian Rose was in his goat beard phase and raising his show to influence millions of people.
He didn’t know what to do with this guy at the beginning. Pena saw himself in Brian and grabbed the opportunity to show up for a younger audience and surf the attention economy wave. Rose resisted. His audience loved Dan.
This intense love & hate relationship grew to became a mentorship. And now they have become one of the biggest marketers for themselves.
Brian shoot a documentary about Dan. Dan hanged Brian’s portrait on the Wall of fame in his private castle.
Reach out to people you admire
Tom Kuegler is a top writer in He recently released the Grow Your Blog Summit where he interviewed a bunch of successful bloggers and entrepreneurs.
Some of them liked Tom and, in his own words, became friends.
„The uber successful people — the ones who have really done something incredible — seem to get back at a much higher rate (weirdly enough).“
Tom Kuegler
His story inspired me to start a mini project of my own here on medium. More about that coming soon.
The real life in my country is THE challenge and the biggest boost for me to do my best. I try to use nuggets like this and adopt them in the third world economy I live in.
Nobody wanted to give me a decent job for years in this country. People labeled me as overqualified or I didn’t fit the obedient bureaucrat image. It turned out to be a gift. Moved me to make a business out of myself.
I have only myself to give. I can offer my presence, openness, listening skills, eye-contact, experience and imagination.
There’s nothing like presenting an idea face to face and getting immediate feedback.
“It is a risk to love.
What if it doesn’t work out?
Ah, but what if it does.”
Peter McWilliams
What if this is the truth for 1 on 1 marketing?
I open myself to create an atmosphere for my clients to open for themselves. The same principle I use in my relationship. And this is a gamble. When the connection is being made, the result is a state of grace.
The human part and the business part seem to colaborate here.
That’s value number one from 1 on 1 marketing.
Money is just an extra.
PS: Fancy a relationship challenge?
Originally published at