If we do not set goals, we risk stagnation and one day we ask ourselves: what interesting things have I done in my life? What would I like to have tried? What important things have I achieved?
Achieving goals has nothing to do with achieving success. Rather it has to do with learning and living new experiences that we deserve. Because success is not getting a simple medal. Success is the adventure of what has been lived and what has been learned.
The process of developing a goal is a great personal challenge. We test endless skills such as initiative, problem solving, creativity, planning, motivation, concentration, achievement orientation, commitment, productivity, effective time management …. skills so valued today in any professional field. But above all, it brings us to personal satisfaction with ourselves.
Trust your abilitiesAll our goals are:- Great, however small they may be.- Difficult, however easy they may seem.- Personal, ours and nobody else’s.- Illusions, and is that only the fact of putting a specific goal and take the first steps generates a special feeling of well-being and, why not say, happiness! You feel that you can reach it. You feel a growing confidence in your own abilities.
Small stepsThe goals begin with small steps in our day to day and that lead us in all likelihood to achieve our desire or ultimate goal (change jobs, improve health, relationships, etc.). It really is not about doing great things, but about doing things in a conscious way that we have not done before.
Many times we do not take these steps for fear of losing “securitychanges We can live life thinking “Little Madonna, that I stay as I am” or “better known bad than good to know” or we can take a step further and try to discover new ways that make us vibrate! After all, we only have one life! Well, take advantage of it. If you are afraid of losing “security, you will also lose the freedom to choose. Security and freedom are not good friends. But is there anything safe besides what we already know? Enjoy the process actually the most valuable thing to set a goal is not to achieve the final goal, but to enjoy during the effort and learning. Of course getting it is rewarding, but it’s only a moment.
The day you say “I got it”, everything will be over. And you can not live permanently from momentary success, you have to continue. Therefore you can not stop putting more goals the next day, because beyond achieving it, you feel in that cloud of motivation and energy willing to do whatever you pose.
Write, write, write Throughout life we are achieving many goals without having planned or decided consciously. However, what we want to raise is how to achieve a goal you have always wanted, a dream of having, doing, feeling … how to do it right from the beginning.
If you want to know if you really want your goal and if you have chances of success , ask yourself these 10 questions:
1. Have I written my goal? Write your goal in a positive way, define what you want to achieve , how, when, where and why. Example: if your goal is to lose weight, your goal could be: walk for two months every day one hour, or also, make 5 light meals consuming 2000 calories per day. The process of writing is important because it makes you move to the plane of consciousness, to commit yourself to yourself, to sincere, to fix it in your mind and concentrate on what you want and your goal.
2. Is it realistic for me, is it within my reach?Think about the degree of difficulty. Your goal must be realistic and achievable. If you set a goal too big, you may get frustrated right away and never get it. You can start from less to more or divide it into smaller goals and adapt them to your needs and resources (in our previous example it would be enough to walk 3 days a week). Also, think about your past successes.
3. Is it worth it?If you are going to devote part of your time, effort, money etc. To achieve a goal, you must be clear about all the benefits and reasons why you want to achieve it because they are aligned with your principles and values.
4. Do you have a deadline? Establishing a deadline makes you concentrate on it and achieve more productivity. Set a reasonable date based on the difficulty . Do not hurry to achieve the goal, time should never be an impediment but your ally. It has to be an achievable goal.
5. Is it related to my values?Our values serve as a guide when deciding or acting. If your goal goes against your own values and priorities you will fail from the first moment. Example: if it is important for you to enjoy the family, do not decide goals that undermine this value, look for ways to integrate it.
6. Hire a Virtual Assistant
Unquestionably, hiring a Virtual Assistant can be one of the best decisions you make to achieve success with your business.
A Virtual Assistant Services is an independent professional who is dedicated to helping companies achieve their objectives by providing support services in different areas: administrative, financial, marketing, technology, among others ; and that works at a distance, occupying his own team.
In the market you can observe different alternatives according to your needs. There are Virtual Assistants who work individually; as well as groups of associated professionals who have different experiences and who together offer a variety of services to support entrepreneurs.
7. Have I identified the obstacles and the necessary resources? It is clear that without obstacles there is no goal. Write down all the obstacles you find and the solutions or resources. The first obstacle can be yourself. Resources mean everything you need: from having a positive mind to people who help you, time, money, tools, information, etc.
8. Do I have an action plan? The goal without an action plan is a mere desire. It is the way to verify that you really carry out the planned actions. Write down your actions in your agenda or calendar with their times and deadlines and integrate them with the rest of your activities. Check, correct, measure your progress. Your plan is your roadmap, the way to make your goal tangible.
9. Have I visualized it in my mind? Visualizing from beginning to end is a technique that helps more than we think to achieve our challenge. The mind does not distinguish between the real and the imaginary and we can make our brain believe that we can achieve it. This is how elite athletes train. To visualize you can think every day of the successful result with great detail or paste a photo or related image in visible places.
10. Am I enjoying from the first moment? It is important to enjoy the process of the goal. For this you must forget about the immediate result because honestly the final goal is not the important thing. And whoever understands this will achieve his goal more easily. To enjoy is simply to feel motivated in the present, to comply with work, to check progress, in short, to concentrate on the goal will allow you to enjoy despite the effort.
11. Have I considered how to protect it? When you have a clear goal and decide to put yourself to work on it, you can not let others interrupt or interfere, you must protect it as if it were your greatest treasure. Saying “no” when necessary will make you concentrate on your own. The best thing to avoid getting distracted is to establish daily routines and times.It says the phrase “To achieve something that you have never obtained you will have to do something you never did”. With these 10 questions, I want to encourage you to develop any goal consciously and enjoy the process. Think of things you’ve always wanted, take advantage of an opportunity that comes your way or changes your circumstances. The worst thing that can happen to you is that you, get a lot of what you wanted and discover other great inducements along the way.
12. Have I considered how to protect it? When you have a clear goal and decide to put yourself to work on it, you can not let others interrupt or interfere, you must protect it as if it were your greatest treasure. Saying “no” when necessary will make you concentrate on your own. The best thing to avoid getting distracted is to establish daily routines and times. It says the phrase “To achieve something that you have never obtained you will have to do something you never did”. With these 10 questions, I want to encourage you to develop any goal consciously and enjoy the process. Think of things you’ve always wanted, take advantage of an opportunity that comes your way or changes your circumstances. The worst thing that can happen to you is that you surely get a lot of what you wanted and discover other great inducements along the way.