When you’re introverted by nature, adjusting to a new job can be tricky. You have to familiarize yourself with an entirely new environment and people you don’t know. You want to make a good impression but don’t know how to do so when you aren’t comfortable around new people. It’s common to experience FOMO because you want to put yourself out there, but doing so is difficult. If you’ve ever felt this way, you aren’t alone. 

Being an introvert doesn’t necessarily mean you’re shy, though you might appear that way to people who don’t know you. Introverts need to recharge by spending time alone, whereas extroverts thrive the more people they engage with. Being around people and excessive socializing drain an introvert’s battery and leave them feeling exhausted and perhaps anxious. 

It can be challenging to walk into a new environment as an introverted individual because you’re required to interact with and be around people for several hours five days a week. So much going on at once is enough to exhaust you and leave you yearning for a mid-day nap. 

So, how can you adjust to a new job when you’re an introverted person? Here are a few tips to get started.

Recharge the night before

Your first day on the job is nerve-wracking, and fear of the unknown is likely to induce stress. You might feel anxious thinking about meeting new people, being adequate for the position, or fitting in with the company as a whole. Whatever your concerns are, you need to take steps to relax so you’re ready to take on the world and succeed in your career.

Everyone has a different way of decompressing after feeling worn out. This is an essential routine for introverts who feel the need to recharge often after being around people for extended periods or attending social events.  

Whether you like to curl up with a good book, take a bubble bath, or talk to a close friend, it’s vital to take time to yourself before your first day. First impressions leave a mark, and if you aren’t well-rested or energized, you might find yourself tired, uncomfortable, and disinterested in socializing.

Get to work early

If you can manage to show up earlier than the rest of your coworkers, it’ll give you the chance to familiarize yourself with your new work environment. The key is to do things that make you feel more comfortable in your setting, and being the first person in the office acquaints you with the space. 

It also helps to have quiet time before your coworkers arrive so you feel ready to take on the day and chat with new people. A lot goes on during your first day of work as you accustom yourself to a new position with new tasks and routines. Mentally, it’s a lot to take on, so if you have spare time in the morning to get comfortable, the more at ease you’ll feel throughout the day.

Practice your introduction

Meeting new people is uncomfortable, especially when you have to do it all at once and you’re the new kid on the block. Save yourself from stress by brainstorming different introductory scenarios you might have with your new team. Perhaps it sounds like a corny idea, but it’ll allow you to build work relationships down the road.

Practice introductions by thinking of some common questions people typically ask new team members, such as:

  • Where did you work before this?
  • Where are you from?
  • What do you like to do for fun?  
  • Are there any shows or movies you recommend?
  • What kind of music do you like?

Depending on the people you work with, they may not even ask you anything personal at first, but it’s best to prepare for anything.

Talk to people one-on-one or in small groups

The more people who surround you, the more uncomfortable you’ll feel. It’s not easy speaking to a large group since people with introverted tendencies prefer to speak only when spoken to or when they know they can add value to the conversation. 

Research by Forbes Insights shows that eight out of 10 executives believe face-to-face communication is essential to create strong professional relationships. It’s essential to put yourself out there so you thrive in your career regardless of any setbacks.

Make it your duty to introduce yourself to people one-on-one or in smaller groups, if possible. It looks good on your part to take the initiative and shows coworkers you’re friendly and willing to get to know them. Leaving a positive, lasting impression will take you far with people, especially in a work environment.

Your turn

If you’re an introvert starting a new job, don’t fret. There are several steps you can take to prepare yourself for the position and the social interaction that comes with it. You don’t need to panic because you have to socialize with strange coworkers or familiarize yourself with a new environment. Instead, use it as an opportunity to take better care of yourself and tend to your mental and emotional needs.