Have you ever considered the power of a password? A word that you continuously type, every time you access your computer, your inbox, your online banking, paypal, spotify, ebay, the list could go on and on. Have you ever contemplated the significance of the word that you use? How much time and effort do you put into choosing your passwords for all of your devices?
What I know about the Law of Attraction is that when we repeatedly ask something from the universe, it will deliver. At sixteen years of age, I had never heard of the Law of Attraction let alone experienced what the ‘universe’ could really do when harnessing the power of the law of attraction. I know it seems all so ‘woo woo’ and impractical, but it works!
At sixteen, I moved to France on an Erasmus exchange, the Internet was brand new and email was going to be our main form of contact with people back home. I set up my first ever email account. I did loads of different searches for suitable id’s for myself. Patricia Lohan was already taken, as was P Lohan, Lohan, and countless other variations of my first and last name. I was obviously a late starter in the internet world of Patricia Lohans, and since I couldn’t get my own name I settled on choosing a new nickname for myself and created [email protected] (it’s long gone now)
I put no thought into choosing my password. My only criteria were that it was short, easy to remember, and nobody would ever guess it. Eureka! I selected my password: Barbie. I have no idea why; I don’t have blond hair or resemble Barbie at all. Although I did and still do love clothes, dressing up, and going on adventures in a red sports cars!
I didn’t think that my password was affecting me much but on reflection I started to morph into Barbie at one stage of my life. I became as skinny as a whippet and turned my gorgeous brown locks into a peroxide paradise that had people shocked and stunned, they even thought it was my twin working in our restaurant. Thankfully after a year of being a blond I realized that they DON’T have any more fun and switched back to being a brunette! I did get more attention as a blond, but in my case I think it was because I shocked people who knew me as a brunette!
As moved on with my crazy life journey, Barbie’s influence didn’t seem to be impacting me or my life so much. I turned away from her materialistic and plastic life and I ventured on my very own Eat, Pray, Love adventure. I quit my job as a Restaurant Manager and moved to India to become a yoga teacher. I became a happy, spiritual know-it-all, and the only thing in my life that remained the same was my password, Barbie. During this time of my life I ate a lot, prayed a lot, had a little lovin’ but I was still searching for my soulmate
Upon returning from India, I thought finding my soulmate would be easy, but I learned just how wrong can a girl be! I wanted my perfect match, my equal. It was time for me to meet the right guy! As a little girl I thought the ultimate sexy dream team was Barbie & Ken, but now I was looking for someone who loved me for me. I took action and made changes in my life to attract the man of my dreams. I forgave the past men in my life, got excited about the future, and started to meet and date guys who I thought could be “the one.”
One day at a winter Solstice event a tall, dark, handsome man came over, sat me beside me and introduced himself as Ken. We had a brief chat after walking over hot coals four times, both of us feeling in awe of this incredible experience! I had thankfully just burned all my karma off and was ready for a new start. I turned around and when I looked back, he had disappeared. I couldn’t believe it. I remembered the name of the Buddhist center he told me attended and I tried to find him there. When there was no sign of him, I let it go.
Three months later at a holistic fair that I was working at I crossed paths with a cute guy who looked instantly familiar. When we bumped into each other later in the day I remembered how I knew him – it was Ken from the fire walk! He came over to my stand, we instantly connected and he asked me out for coffee. We started dating, fell in love, and I’ve never been happier.
Only recently whilst running I had a moment of astonishment, when I realised what had happened. In my journey to attract my amazing soulmate, I had repeatedly typed the word Barbie, not realizing I was asking the universe every day for sixteen years to bring me a Ken. I had to sort myself out on the inside before the universe brought me man with the exact name who would be my perfect match.
When I say perfect I mean perfect – one of the tools I embraced when calling in my soulmate was Feng Shui to enhance my bedroom to call in the one, the first time I stayed at Kens House – my mind went into overdrive when I saw his bedroom – ding ding (he has feng shui’d his room) this is kismet (destiny) !! I’m now happily married to my dream guy and know that dreams do come true – now we work together living on the tropical Island of Bali.
I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on want you to attract into your life. If you’re looking for love, you obviously don’t need to pick a specific name, but know that the universe does listen to our requests, so be very specific and positive, then let go. Right now my passwords are all the one money goal and I’m excited to see it unfold.. As unfathomable as it is, the The Law of Attraction worked for me and it can for you too!