Cell phones are an indispensable part of modern life; indeed, it’s virtually impossible to socialize, enjoy your leisure time, or even work or study in many industries without always having access to a mobile phone. Despite the importance of our beloved hand-held devices, however, most people today are struggling with cell phone addiction, and can’t seem to put down their phones for more than a few minutes at a time. Is it even possible to overcome cell phone addiction in the contemporary age?

As a matter of fact, yes. Beating your cell phone addiction won’t be easy – overcoming any addiction never is – but it’s very achievable if you follow the right tips. Read up on how to beat your addiction below, and you’ll soon yourself happier than ever knowing that you can put your phone down whenever you want to for as long as you want.

Learning to put the phone down

Like overcoming any addiction, beating back your cell phone habits so that they become manageable must start with small steps. Anybody offering you a one-size-fits-all solution that promises to instantly abate the mobile-device-fixation that’s enraptured so many modern cell phone users is likely offering you a tale that’s too good to be true, and you need to understand from the get-go that while overcoming your addiction is very achievable, it will take above all else time and serious dedication. Looking at your phone while driving can get you in some serious trouble, especially if you’ve been drinking. In that case you would need to call a Utah DUI defense attorney.

First things first, you need to establish when and where it’s essential for you to use your phone; there’s no use in trying to permanently rid yourself of your phone, after all – everyone from working professionals to young students needs a phone at some point, or they’ll simply not be able to keep up with the competition. There are literally billions of dollars of cell phone sales each year, with SignalBooster technology ensuring everyone stays connected all the time. This means you shouldn’t expect to completely rid yourself of it; rather, you should focus on establishing time periods when you can put the phone down for hours at a time without needing to glance at it.

Try writing down your work or study schedule, delineating between those periods and places where you absolutely must have your phone with you and those where you can go without it. Then, try a small test run, and leave your phone behind completely when you next head out to an event or place that doesn’t require it. Small steps like this will prove crucial towards your overall success when it comes to kicking your addictive cell phone habits.

You also shouldn’t necessarily try to kick your addiction alone; there’s a great chance that many of your friends or family members have addictive cell phone habits, too, so don’t be afraid to pair or group up with others when it comes to kicking this bad habit, as the mutual support be great for you when it comes to giving up a long-held habit.

Overcoming the urge to look at your phone

It’s perfectly natural to feel a strong urge to look at your phone or someone else’s whenever you hear that iconic ding alerting you that you’ve received a message or email. As a matter of fact, phone addiction is a very well-documented phenomenon that some assert can actually impact your mental health if you let it spin out of control. In order to kick your unhealthy addiction for good, then, you’ll probably need some healthier substitutes for your current habits.

Finding a small, easy to do hobby is a great way to take your mind off things; if you’re struggling to ever put down your phone, your new favorite hobby is a great way to distract yourself, thereby forcibly removing yourself from the screen. Exercising is probably the best example; after all, if you’re swimming in a pool, out on a run, or lifting weights at the gym, you won’t have the time, energy, and above all else the empty hands needed to mess around on your phone for hours on end. Pick up a new, more healthy habit, and you’ll find that your old, unhealthy ones are easier to break free from.

Going old-school, too, can prove useful for breaking your phone addiction; it may not be as convenient, but try some old ways of doing things, like sending birthday cards instead of a birthday text, or establishing more face-to-face contact with someone instead of relying on facetime, and you’ll find your reliance on your phone gradually waning away.

Above all else, remember to be patient; no addiction, be it to a substance or to a phone, can be broken overnight. Small, consistent steps are the key towards overall success, and trying to go cold turkey without a phone will only infuriate you. Remember to block off some no-screen time for yourself each day, and sooner rather than later, you’ll find yourself gradually wearing down the cell phone addiction that’s taken a hold of you.


  • A digital nomad and an internet entrepreneur with a thirst for food and travel.