Sleep is one of the natural processes, put in place by nature for rejuvenation of the body system for optimal performance. An average of 7–9 hours of quality sleep is recommended for adults.
However, the hectic nature of the modern life characterized by heightened activities and business, has left little or no time for quality sleep as required for proper body functioning.
From sunrise to sunset, people engage in several activities to make ends meet. This unhealthy disposition towards sleep results in serious health and relational challenges.
Low self- esteem, depression and other negative behavioral issues which are on the rise now are results of lack of quality sleep. Improving self-esteem has become a herculean task for many, but this could be achieved by spending more quality time snoozing under the sheets.
Here is how to boost your self-esteem by sleeping more:
#1. Prioritize sleep
Giving adequate sleep the necessary priority in your schedule would go a long way in ensuring you achieve success in your move to boost your self-esteem. Until you put the right understanding and know the relevance of sound sleep to your emotional well-being, you wouldn’t rank it high on your scale.
Sleep involves two distinct phases: REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid eye movement) phase. Each phase plays crucial roles in the growth of tissues and repair of worn out tissues.
Restoration of energy and hormones which have a lot to do with your self-esteem occur during the night. So, you can boost your self-esteem by prioritizing sleep, since it determines how you feel about yourself during the day.
#2. Drastically reduce alcohol and caffeine
The quality of your sleep no doubt determines your self-esteem. Whatever affects your sleep negatively would also impede your self-esteem. Caffeine and alcohol are culprits when it comes to interference with sleep.
Cutting down on the consumption of these items would enhance your quality of sleep and also your self-esteem. Caffeine disturbs your sleep pattern and exacerbates anxiety.
Food items like chocolate, coffee, soda drink etc. remain in the system for about four hours after consumption. So avoid taking them before going to bed.
If you must indulge yourself in these items, do so before noon. This would rid your system of alcohol induced anxiety, enhance your sleep and boost your self-esteem.
#3. Learn to recharge your brain
Taking some minutes off the crazy grind during the day alleviates your stress levels. Observing 5–10 minutes breaks for gentle brain exercise from time to time during the day has a lot of impact on your sleep at night.
It allows your brain to reset and refreshed before night time. When you incorporate brief breaks into your day to allow your brain reset, it quietens and reduces the noise in your mind at night.
Hence, falling asleep becomes faster and easier, and your self-esteem receives a natural boost.
#4. Make your room sleep-enhancing
The structure of your room might be responsible for your struggle with self-esteem. A disorganized and clustered bedroom has a negative effect on your mind. Such a room often creates a feeling that your day is not complete which greatly affects how you feel about yourself.
When your mind finds it difficult to hibernate because of the feeling that some tasks are yet to be concluded, then getting a sound sleep becomes evasive. This consequently makes you greet the morning feeling drowsy, foggy and confused.
Make your room, cozy, organized, cool and dark so as to make it easier for you to switch to hibernation mode. Ensure that your room isn’t too brightly lit and is comfy enough for you.
#5. Learn to unwind
Incorporating at least an hour of relaxation activities into your day before bedtime has a cool way of enhancing your sleep. Take at least an hour to relieve good memories, have a pampering warm bath, or listen to sleep meditations before you climb into bed. Being in this state before your actual sleep time helps you alleviate the stress as well as reset your mind.
Engage in restorative activities like meditation practice, relaxed reading or a soft massage before bedtime. Pampering yourself in such a manner would make you feel good about yourself, relieve the day’s stress and make your sleep more effective.
#6. Avoid exposure to screens
Getting exposed to lights from screens of TVs, cellphones, tablets or playing games in bed before you sleep seriously impedes your sleep pattern.
Avoid using these gadgets before bedtime. The light from these gadgets stimulate neurotransmitter that adversely interferes with sleep patterns.
When it comes to the therapeutic use of sleep to boost your self-esteem, the quantity and quality matter. Avoid the aforementioned and boost your self-esteem by getting more quality sleep.
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