Questions, Dilemma and Opportunities…

We seem to be searching for a soundbite, a personalized answer to resolve each of our issues and problems. We are looking for something novel and new. An idea, advice that no one has ever uttered before and tailor-made for us. We, also, want ironically the advice to be simultaneously easy and hard. Why? Because we seem to validate ourselves more internally if something is hard while resenting it and if the effort comes easily we give the experience less credence.

When was the last time you read or were told advice that you truly have never heard before?

Tired of reading the same articles, how-to-lists over and over in different columns. Frustrated, bored. Want the noise and struggle to stop now. Want someone to do the work for you. Well, you are not alone.

Here is where you start…

Acknowledge, accept and embrace the following. The premiere place in your life where you have 100% total control and power is:

A. How you speak/treat yourself

B. How you treat others

This is the primal place where our civility and grace reside. They are the foundation of self-esteem and stature. By inviting the following mindful exercises into your daily life. You will soon feel and see a difference, in the ways you speak and behave both publicly and privately. This process is precisely the same as if you were stretching your physical muscles. It takes very little time each day and the result is a longer, healthier muscle. Ditto for your emotional well-being.

Examples of when we are not behaving in a way that is in our best interest but have the opportunity, power and control to do so.

Short tempered, snappish, condescending, arrogant, entitled.

Exercises. The time to practice respectful, kind and nurturing self-talk is throughout your day and evening. It is a powerful mindful state to be in. One that can begin from the moment you awaken and continue until you go to sleep. Equally as important. Prior to going to sleep and when you awake are priceless times for you to set your consciousness in this frame of mind.

Find words that when you say them silently, out loud and or read make you feel a positive emotion and smile. Repeat them to yourself.

Your salvation and success exercise. You must speak to yourself in the ways other’s do not and without resentment. You must nurture and curate yourself in all the ways that no one else does for you. The key is to not resent it but to embrace the work as a present of cultivation to yourself.

This is your opportunity to create your own strong interior voice, reclaim your power and control. Pause, speak to yourself in a new tone. One with more self-respect, warmth, nurturance and discipline.

If you make these small mindful adjustments and apply the concept to everything in your life. You will be a better citizen of the world.

Here is the good news! The truth is you already know the answers. This is your emotional, social and spiritual intelligence speaking to you from within. This is your gut feeling aka intuition. We all have it innately. The fact that everything sounds familiar is a gift to you. Accept your gift, open and unveil the beauty inside.

Lisa’s career is devoted to organizing and producing clarity in various aspects of people’s lives. She has a proven track record of success achieving client goals with individuals, couples, legendary entrepreneurs and executives in finance, arts and psychiatry. A dedicated and discreet professional, known for demonstrating integrity and grace under pressure, Lisa is a creative problem solver, a detail-oriented and imaginative project manager with the ability to establish order out of chaos.

Lisa is a leading personal assistant and personal organizer. She brings unique experience as a Hollywood archivist, event planner, manager of a preeminent European antiquities gallery and an executive/personal assistant to entertainment executives and entrepreneurs on both coasts.

Most recently Lisa has worked with the renowned visionary Byron Katie, the founder of Sullivan Street Bakery Jim Lahey, and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales. Previously, she served as the personal executive assistant to Martha Stewart, Peter Guber, Steve Tisch, Wendy Finerman, Dawn Steel, Simpson-Bruckheimer and to the general counsel of USA Networks.

The Wall Street Journal published a feature profile on Lisa, focusing on her personal organizing business. Quest magazine has recognized Lisa as one of NYC’s premier personal organizers. In Hollywood, Lisa spent four years creating and producing Columbia Pictures Archival Department. Back east Lisa was the manager of Phoenix Ancient Art and co-produced Harry Evan’s celebrated book party events at Random House.

Lisa has developed associations with numerous five star hotels for special projects per concierge and guest requests.


  • Lisa Krohn

    GhostWriter, Researcher & Writer

    Currently, Lisa is the Creative Executive with Authors Unite. Previously, Lisa was a Ghostwriter and Creative Research Assistant at Robbins Research International, reporting directly to the Principal, Sage Robbins. A dedicated and discreet professional known for demonstrating integrity and grace under pressure. Lisa is a creative problem solver and a detail-oriented and imaginative project manager who can establish order from chaos. Lisa is devoted to organizing and producing clarity in people's lives. She has a proven track record of success in achieving client goals with legendary entrepreneurs, thought leaders, individuals, couples, executives, high-net-worth families, and people from all walks of life. Lisa is a leading personal assistant and personal organizer. She brings unique experience as a Hollywood archivist, event planner, manager of a preeminent European antiquities gallery, and executive/personal assistant to entertainment executives and entrepreneurs on both coasts. Lisa has worked as a Communications Outreach Strategist for the nonprofit, with Brando Crespi, an internationally acclaimed environmental strategist,, General Peter B. Zwack, Co-Founder and former Google Entrepreneur in Residence Vivian Rosenthal, Buddhist scholar Robert A.F. Thurman, visionary Byron Katie, renowned spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, and Jim Lahey of the Sullivan Street Bakery. She has also served as the personal executive assistant to Martha Stewart, Peter Guber, Steve Tisch, Wendy Finerman, Dawn Steel, Don Simpson, and Jerry Bruckheimer, and the general counsel of USA Networks. Lisa spent four years creating and producing Columbia Pictures' Archival Department The Wall Street Journal published a feature profile on Lisa, focusing on her personal organizing business. Quest magazine has recognized her as one of NYC's premier personal organizers. Back east, Lisa was Manager of Phoenix Ancient Art and co-produced Harry Evans' celebrated book party events at Random House. Lisa has cultivated special project relationships with prestigious five-star hotel concierges. She is a contributing writer at Contact: Lisa Krohn +1.917.856.1234 [email protected] Fall 2024