Once you experience success, you will be able to look back and realize you achieve all success pretty much the same way. You set a goal, follow through on the tasks for achieving results, keep an open mind, learn from others, track your successes, and learn from your failures. It’s the same thing, over and over again, and it works.

If you want to create a pattern of success in your life, you can start now, by learning the secret successful people know. Successful people are not special because they are disciplined. They are not smarter than others.  In fact, it is entirely possible you are smarter on paper than they are. You just don’t follow through. You are not disciplined to follow through. But with established steps and mindset hacks you to will become successful! Listed below are steps to support you on your journey to success.

Become a Goal Setting Expert

Start at the top with your vision and learn how to craft the best goals for vision. Know the goal is achievable is measurable before you finish writing it. Most of all, make sure it’s a goal you really want to achieve. Does it excite you?

Schedule Everything

People who achieve are doers. No matter how silly it might seem to you if you want to get something done, schedule it. If you put it in your schedule, and not just on a generic to-do list, you will be most more likely to get it done. Even further I like to do away with the to-do list and set daily intentions.

For instance, if you have set a goal to write an eighty thousand word novel by a certain date, then you should know how many pages you need to get done each week and which days, times, and hours you can work and how long it takes you to write a page. Successful writers write!  They do not wait for inspiration to strike. They schedule it and do it. The same can be said for anything you want to achieve. You don’t wait until you want to do it.  You do it at the scheduled time.

Automate the Mundane

There are a lot of things that need to be done but that can escalate easily into busy work which doesn’t get you closer to a goal. A lot of things you need to do can easily escalate into busywork.  This doesn’t get you any closer to your goals.  Bookkeeping for instance is something that can be accomplished today, almost automatically, with the right software. You can schedule payments to happen automatically.  You can also use software that enters everything in the ledger for you. Freeing up time to focus on scheduled activities that bring you closer to your big goal is a more productive use of time, for achieving goals. 

Get Outside Expert Help

To be a success doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself (operate independently or alone). You’re not on your own. The best scientists, professors, doctors, lawyers, and CEOs have assistants who help them look great. You can also hire outside help, like contractors, to help you complete tasks needed to reach your goals. Other than doing things you must physically do for yourself, there is not much you can’t outsource today.

Stop Reinventing the Wheel

In most cases, the things you are seeking have been done before. Someone has already done it before you. Someone has already worked out the kinks and devised a plan of action that works. Learn from other people’s mistakes and realize that you can gain valuable information from what others have already done already.

Never Stop Learning

They say it takes ten thousand hours of reading to become an expert on any subject. Keep this in mind as you look toward your future and set your goals. If you want to be an expert, you’ll need to start today building up those ten thousand hours. Even if you know nothing about a topic today, you can be an expert in just ten thousand hours.

Know Your Core Values

As you set goals to create a pattern of success, it’s imperative you know what your core values, in terms of family, personal, financial, and physical life. Everyone has different areas that need work. You need to identify your areas to set realistic goals you want to meet.

Track, Assess, Repeat

They say, “Nothing is ever done without the paperwork”. Well, this is how you create a pattern of success. Only by setting goals, tracking, and assessing the results of the goals, and then repeating what works will you create a pattern of success.

Creating a pattern of success requires knowledge of goal setting, goal achievement, and in-depth knowledge of yourself. Starting today you can gain that knowledge and create a real pattern of success in your life.
