Lesson 1: 1+1=100 Try to bundle different products and services that you already have
Often times, we are not aware of the products that we have and need some assistance from outside. Therefore, a business coach is just perfect because he or she helps with our blind spots. Combining different products or services can already help to double and triple our market value.
Lesson 2: Use the psychology of selling: Cialdini’s seven principles
These are Cialdini’s seven principles and they are important when you think about your own offer. Write down your offer and check if you’re, in some way or another mentioning these principles in your offer:
Lesson 3: Test your offer with Facebook Ads
Facebook ads are a great tool for testing your offer and finding out its use. Use the AIDA method to create your ad:
- A: Attention. Start with something that is getting the attention of your audience.
- I: Interest. Create interest through something valuable that they can implement for their own strategy.
- D: Desire. Create a desire for achieving something that is worthwhile doing.
- A: Action. Be clear about the next steps they should do and communicate it!
You can listen to the whole interview with Justin Lofton on my podcast: Content Marketing Mastery