If I say to you “you can’t lose weight because you’re useless” it brings up feelings in you, just as “you are beautiful, awesome and worthy of everything” brings up a feeling too. Your thoughts are the golden ticket to what you think and believe. It sounds so simple, and that’s because it is, and therefore we equally have the power to change our thoughts. If you have extra body fat you want to lose, feel unhealthy, have low confidence or not where you want to be in life, you can be sure that your language could use an upgrade.
The basic principle to make the change you desire is to notice your words. Start paying attention to the thoughts you have, how you speak about yourself, how you speak to others and what other people say around you too. This is one of the most powerful tools to make great changes in life and create the healthy life you want.
The way we think and speak affects all areas of life and makes us take the actions we do in life, it is a natural process of the mind and body connection. Therefore, it makes sense to have our thoughts and words in a place that aligns with what we want in life. The more you focus on wanting to be healthy and in a body shape you feel confident with it will happen. Of course, it won’t just magically change your body overnight, but the more you think and say “I am healthy”, “I love my body”, “I am beautiful”, the more your body will take the action to fulfill those desires.
The result = weeks and months down the line your body will change, and your mind will notice these positive changes.
Here are some words to watch out for:
- I can’t…
- I hope…
- I don’t know…
- I should…
- I’m trying…
- I wish…
Here are some amazing new words:
- I can…
- I choose…
- I am…
- I have…
- I will…
- I create…
- I love…

Notice your words, make a commitment to changing those words and start creating a healthier happier body. It really is that simple, it just requires you to make that serious commitment to pay attention and change your vocabulary.
Take Action
Get a journal and pen and write down five positive I am affirmations about yourself. For example:
I am beautiful. I am confident. I am fun. I am loving. I am healthy.
Write down five affirmations that get you excited. Make them as long or as short as you like. What makes you feel alive? Empowered? Confident? Beautiful? Motivated? Uplifted?
You have the power to create the healthy life you want. It all starts with you. It all starts with noticing what you are thinking, saying and telling yourself every single day. Focus on the internal voice to create that awareness on how you think and feel, and overtime you will be amazed at the life you are manifesting and the transformation you are making for your whole healthy happy life.