Everyone looks forward to having a nice vacation. Sometimes, this involves spending time alone, and seeing new places. In order to get away from the stress at home or at work, we make adequate preparation and sign off vacation deals. What do you do when this experience becomes unpleasant?
At that instance, bad emotions flood in, especially when you think about the effort which went into planning or the money spent. All you ever wanted was a wonderful vacation.
Here are
effective ways to deal with a bad vacation:
1. Stay calm: Things aren’t going as planned. Your hotel is rowdy. The hotel attendants are rude. Your rental car stops at an unknown place. Don’t get worked up by these seemingly bad situations. Remain calm and take them in as part of the experience. You might have envisioned a dream vacation, but this is your reality now! Deal with it and move on.
2. Make adjustments: This might mean checking into a new hotel, choosing a new tourist site to visit, changing the means by which you travel. To avoid the pitfall of unpleasant hotels, fight cancellation, delays and road restriction consider options provided by companies like AirBnB, Jettly, Uber, and Lyft. You might also need to buy new items you had not planned for. For instance, you planned a trip to a warm climate area and the weather forecast had shown that during your stay, it would be warm. What do you do when it gets rainy, windy, and cold? Adjust! Buy few warm clothing. Whatever it is, do not spend time wallowing in self-pity. Re-imagine an amazing vacation and make it happen!
3. Be flexible: Have you had your vacation days all planned out and for some reason, it’s not working out as planned? Maybe you a visit to a tourist site with a group. Re-schedule to go with another group and do something else you love while waiting.
4. Rely on the locals: You are trying to salvage a bad situation and you do not know where to start from. You are clueless on where to visit or you are stranded and your cell phone is dead. Ask locals around. Most locals are eager to help tourists. You can also ask them what they love to do for fun or where they love to spend time. They might give you fresh ideas on how to make the vacation more pleasant.
5. Be spontaneous: Most times, people have a pre-planned program for their vacation. Are you that sort of person? Don’t be stuck on your program. Do something new and unexpected and have fun doing it! These could include attending a dancing class, learning how to fish, or sky diving.
6. Find out and attend popular events going on in the area: You might be lucky to be on vacation during popular events like carnivals, festivals, parades, shows, and fireworks. You can attend some of these events for free depending on your vacation site. Attending such events could help you unwind, stay relaxed and happy. It can help you take your mind off any unpleasant experience you are going through.
7. Mingle: Mingle and share your vacation experiences with other tourists or locals you find at places of interest. You would have an opportunity to learn something new through these interactions.
8. Live in the moment: Try not to dwell on things that get you upset. Be happy about the things you are doing and the places you visit. Take lots of pictures, laugh, dance, and sing.
9. Read a book or magazine: A good book can distract you from a bad experience. A vacation is also a good time to finish a book or flip through the pages of a magazine you would find interesting. You can visit the local library in your vacation site. This is also a good place to learn more about the place and the kind of activities that interest the people.
10. Watch a movie: A good movie can give you a good laugh and help you forget an unpleasant vacation.
You have the power to change a bad vacation. Don’t let it end badly. All you have to do is change your mindset, decide to stay positive, and take action!