In the modern world, stress is so common that it is perhaps the most popular topic of discussion on forums, in the media and social networks. We are so overloaded with information, business and everyday problems that sooner or later we find ourselves in insidious networks of stress. Stressful situations need to be dealt with radically! – psychologists say. Let’s take a look at the most effective stress management techniques from the best psychologists. 

What triggers stress?

Sleep problems, nervousness, fatigue, chronic fatigue, stomach cramps, frequent headaches and bad mood are all alarming “bells” of stress. It is dangerous because it can turn into an anxiety disorder or depression. The situation is aggravated by emotional depression: you are afraid that you will not be able to cope with important tasks at work, you are afraid that someone or something threatens your happiness and well-being, and your state of health wants to be better … How to help yourself?

Susan Heitler, a clinical psychologist from the USA, recommends that you first determine your stress level by passing a simple test. Retire in a quiet place, close your eyes and listen to yourself. Try to measure your stress level on a scale of 1-10. Why is this needed? Then, after different stress reduction practices, you test yourself and understand how effective they have been for you. Next, it is important to identify the main factors that provoke stress.

 Based on years of psychotherapy practice, Dr Heilter identifies the main causes of stress:

  • psychological pressure from the outside world, from loved ones, associated with a lack of time, money, care, support.
  • Inability to control and manage excess time, money and other resources.
  • New events and experiences in life that evoke strong emotions.
  • The accelerated pace of life, poor environment, bad habits, a threat to health and physical safety.
  • The need to complete new complex tasks in personal life or at work.
  • The suffering of loved ones, loss and loss.

Reducing stress: practising mindfulness

Renowned psychologist and author of the best-selling Stress-Resistant Brain Melanie Greenberg believes that the best way to deal with stress is to practice mindfulness. According to the author, this is an effective way to restore balance when you are at the mercy of stress. The psychologist advises using the following techniques:

Introspection. Answer honestly to the question: “Am I panicking? Am I exacerbating my stress with guilt or perfectionism? “

Gratitude. In writing or orally, formulate the answers to the question: “For what am I grateful to myself / God / Universe/friends/cat/life?” The gratitude technique is one of the most powerful practices in psychology.   

Taking care of the body. Sleeping well, eating a balanced diet, resting, exercising, and healthy treatments for a healthy body are excellent stress relievers.

The many clinics presents one of the most modern procedures for healing the body and eliminating stress – intravenous vitamin therapy. In our arsenal, there are powerful vitamin cocktails with a rich complex of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are effective against stress, overwork, chronic fatigue and depressed emotional state. Intravenous drip “Recovery”   and “Mood Support” will help restore vitality and activity, increase tone and stress resistance, and return a sense of harmony.

We fight the cause, not the effects

Most psychologists believe that the best way to release stress is to solve the problem that causes it. This is how we destroy the roots of stress. To do this, you need to accurately identify the problem, focusing attention on it. Susan Heitler recommends that you answer yourself as concretely as possible: “I am stressed because … For example, I have too many tasks, and there is not enough time to solve them.”

Further, it is important to clarify what exactly in this situation worries you the most. Continue the phrase as honestly as possible: “What worries me most of all is that … For example, due to the fact that I have many tasks at work, I will not keep up with my favourite yoga classes.” And the last step to solving the situation is to make an action plan that will help solve the problem. Thus, you eliminate the internal conflict and concentrate not on panic, but on solving the issue.

Psychologists unanimously say: stress cannot be tolerated! This is a warning signal from our body that something needs to be changed in life – in thoughts, habits, diet and lifestyle. Dear readers, listen to yourself and be healthy!  
