As a job-seeker in the twenty-first century, there are more than a handful of issues that we have to face when it comes to applying for a job. Dealing with these issues takes a bit of fortitude, but it’s certainly not impossible. Human beings are unique in how they deal with setbacks, but dealing with a setback in the world of job seeking means facing it head-on. Here’s a few tips on how to cope with some of the more common problems that could bring you down while you’re on your hunt for that dream-job.

1. Handling Rejection

Psychology Today says that rejection can be akin to physical pain because the sensations piggyback on the physical pain pathways we already have in our heads. Job rejection can be painful, but it can also build character. We all fear rejection, but that’s something that exists across the entire human race. It’s how we deal with this fear that defines you or me individually as a person. Rejection happens to everyone, and even though it might hurt, it shouldn’t stop you from picking yourself up and trying again. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that success comes to those who try at least one more time after they fail.

2. A New Environment

Change is scary, but necessary. Being afraid of the unknown is something that has allowed humans to survive to the point which they have to now. However, this fear in a modern society is more counterproductive than helpful. There are no predators out there waiting to eat you. Most primal fears that come from this source are unfounded and when you really think about it, there’s really nothing to worry about. Sure, it’ll be a new place, but it’s much more exciting to think of it as an adventure in discovery and not a burden to get used to.

3. Inability to Perform

A lot of people our age have the fear of getting into a job and realizing that they have no clue what they’re supposed to be doing. CEO of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson is quoted as saying that if someone offers you an amazing opportunity that you’re not sure you can do, then say yes and figure out how to do it later. While this might seem like bad advice, humans have a massive propensity for learning and applying what they learn. Don’t be afraid of a challenge, but rather embrace it. Figure out how you get things done and do them.

4. Radio Silence

We’ve all heard that line, “Don’t call us, we’ll call you,” and it usually means you won’t be getting any calls. Going to an interview or applying for a job but never hearing back from the employer has been going on for as long as jobs existed. Despite the internet and mass communication making it so much easier for employers to get in contact with applicants, many of the human resources sections that you apply to are simply in over their head to be able to reply to each applicant. If they don’t respond, that doesn’t mean anything about you or your application. There are a hundred reasons why they would be unable to reply. Don’t spend too much time overthinking and overanalyzing the silence on their end like you’re playing a game on Judi online. Getting employed is a numbers game and that application is just one more in a lot that you’re going to have to send out. That said, always put your all into each application. Just because they won’t respond doesn’t mean that you have to put less effort into it. It just means that once it’s gone, you can get working on the next one, putting just as much effort into it.

5. A Questionable Past

Some people make some bad decisions in the past that may come to haunt them as they apply for a new position or seek to move up the job ladder. Becoming a job seeker makes an individual vulnerable, but honesty is always the best policy in situations like these. Norma Menkin, Staffing President for Gainor, notes that being inaccurate in a resume could impact your reputation at an interview. To this end, even if you have gaps in your employment history, be honest about them. You may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.

6. Money Talks

One of the scariest questions that can come from an employer is about salary. If you’re changing careers, then it’s a good idea to check up what the average earning potential for your new field is going to be so you’ll be well-prepared to answer this question. If you’re already aware of what you should be earning, then this is a very simple question to answer and not one that puts you on the defensive. Be positive and confident, it goes a long way towards resolving salary talks in your favor.

Use All Your Resources

The most important advice that anyone looking
fora job can get is to use all the resources available to them. Asking for help
should not be below you. Networking with friends, family and past acquaintances
can lead to a plethora of opportunities that can bring the kind of success you
want. Don’t write something off just because it’s uncomfortable. Look at the
pros and cons and weigh the options logically. Who knows, you might find
yourself taking up an opportunity that suits you far better than the one you were
preparing yourself to accept.


  • A digital nomad and an internet entrepreneur with a thirst for food and travel.