Debt is one of the scariest things that happen to anyone. Its responsible for some suicide cases and for the bigger part, debt can cause mental illness.
After battling with debt for a long time, I learned some ways to cope. Read on to learn what these are.
Don’t shoot yourself
Debt can cause a huge strain on your mental health. It creates fear, worry, and debt-related anxiety.
It makes you lose sleep which affects your energy levels.
You can end up with mental illnesses like Dementia, Depression, and stress.
But the way out is to work on your mindset so that you don’t invite mental illness into your life.
Accept your debt and appreciate what it did for you. Without that borrowed money, you wouldn’t have the car you drive. Your credit score could be so bad or maybe you could have never stepped in college.
Once you are grateful, start searching for the potential that is inside of you. Every human being is a god on earth. You can do anything you want as soon as you believe in yourself.
If humans built air planes, invented hard to grasp things like cable network and TV, why should a $100,000 debt scare anyone?
Find new streams of income
Work nowadays is not limited to finding a traditional job. You can hop onto your computer and find lots of on-line remote jobs that pay well. From English/language teaching to writing to transcription and social media marketing, the web nowadays is a fully developed workplace.
If you are serious, you can earn anywhere between $300 and $500 per week for part-time work on-line.
This is a very big boost to your income especially if you work an on-site job as well.
If you are a good entrepreneur, invest some of the money from your private loan into a lucrative business and use the returns to finance your loan
Finding ways to bring in more money, gives you hope which shuts down anxiety, fear, and stress.
Live contented
If you’re like me, one of the reasons you’re in debt is because of your love for shopping. Shopping randomly and borrowing to shop even the things you don’t need arises from a lack of contentment.
You might have one of the best phones on the market but still go for the latest release on loan.
One way to beat non-contentment is to practice gratitude. Start by looking around where your sited and appreciate what you have. You could go something like this. “I am grateful for the cute lipstick I am wearing. I love my comfortable pants and the huge flat screen on which I am watching my favorite show. My Polypropylene carpet feels so nice under my feet and I am proud of my couch” See! You haven’t even spoken about your car, house, kids if any etc. but I bet you already feel some sense of contentment.
Negotiate repayment terms
Things have changed so much. People no longer fight to pay back loans because they will be arrested, they pay back because they need a good credit score.
No matter how bad your debt is, you can face your borrower and ask for time.
One way is to write a repayment plan letter and send to them.
If you are afraid to do it on your own, you can seek the help of a credit expert.
There are several organisations such as credit counselling society that offer debt counselling, help restructure your budget and guide you through the process of paying back your loan.