When planning an innovation, it is essential to make sure that your idea generates added value for your customers. Find ideas that will allow you to meet customer requirements better, reduce your turnaround time, meet new environmental standards or penetrate new markets. Not all of your ideas will necessarily be original, but make sure that your business and your customers benefit from your investment in innovation.

Create a prototype

A common strategy, particularly when it comes to product development, is to build a prototype that essentially allows you to test your product using an experimental model. Even if the prototype doesn’t exactly match the end product, you should strive to make it as close as possible. Call on the expertise of designers and engineers to build your prototype. Analyze your prototype carefully so that you can perfect it if necessary. Once you’ve resolved any issues with your product, you can proceed to the final design stage.

Put innovative processes to the test

If you are testing a process, for example, an innovative mechanism for handling customer complaints, you should first, before extending it to all your customers, make sure that it works well with a target group of customers.

Customer feedback will allow you to gather data on the effectiveness of the improvements you anticipate. Testing a product, service or process can save you time and resources. It’s a wise way to manage your investment in innovation and make sure you’re not going wrong.

Protect your ideas

A good idea can serve as the foundation for a new business, or give an additional advantage to an established company. So ingenious ideas are enormously valuable in today’s competitive environment. After all, it’s your intangible assets – such as intellectual property – that make your business unique.

Obtaining trademark protection like InventHelp can help protect the value of your corporate brand in the eyes of customers and your business. The security of your patent or your industrial design can help you preserve its exclusivity on the market and serve as a barrier to the entry of potential competitors.

Many entrepreneurs are concerned about the protection of their innovations. Before investing time and money in protecting your intellectual property, carry out a simple market study and competitive analysis to give you an idea of ​​the products and services currently available on the market. It is also a good idea to participate in specialized trade shows to see what is happening elsewhere in your industry.

Success leads to imitation

Successful and profitable implementation of an idea or innovation is a great way to protect it. Success helps to keep a company’s plans and changes safe from competition. However, your success will sometimes cause others to imitate you. So when you have an advantage over your rivals, you have to assume that they will try to take it from you by offering an improved version of your product or service. To stay ahead, you must make continuous improvement one of your main goals, and protect your intellectual property.


  • I am professional blogger/writer, and have been writing as a freelance writer for various websites. Now I have joined one of the most recognized platforms in the world.