I gotta tell you, I’ve given up on trying to be perfect. I’m just not. Never have been. Never will be. And the truth is I’d rather show up as I am (flaws and all) and actually live this life. Perfection is just so darn limiting. It tells us we should be different than we are and, at the same time, shuts us off from what we have the potential for doing and becoming. We’re powerful, creative beings capable of great things and we certainly don’t need to be perfect to own that fully. We have so much to give and, when we open ourselves up for it, have an incredible capacity to receive.
For those of us on the road of self-improvement, this can be a tough pill to swallow. It’s not easy to realize we’re not meant to be perfect, not back then and not sometime in the future. We’re meant to be here. We are meant to live and learn, to stumble and get right back up. Not only is it good to give ourselves a break, it’s good to model that kind of self-compassion for the younger generation.
Here is your wakeup call! You don’t need to be perfect to help. The fact of the matter is, you only need to clear about your passion for helping others. When you finally realize your “why”, then your passion burns away all the strict confines of perfection. Passion is contagious. Perfection is restrictive.
Kids are always trying something new. It’s part of being young. And a big aspect of trying new things is… <gasp>… messing up! When we, in our state of being a beginner, can model making mistakes and trying again with compassion and humor, we give permission for kids to do the same. And with the pressure off, they will flourish… so will you.
Life can be a gift, even when things are chaotic. It can be a miracle, even when it’s messy. Our kids need to know that. And they need us to show them.
So if being perfect has held you back from doing the thing, here is the part where I call bullsh*t. You are a light in your own perfectly, imperfect way. And damnit, we need you to shine. Now.
We need more REAL women out there sharing these ideas with our girls.
How has the idea of perfection held you back? How will you finally kick the restrictions you’ve placed on yourself to the curb?
Melody Pourmoradi has been coaching women for over a decade on how to create a vision for their best life. As the creator of the GiRLiFE Empowerment, she has created a digital course that teaches women how to create income-generating girls empowerment groups in their own communities. Her greatest goal is for every young girl and women to find her own voice and live a life that lights her up from the inside-out. She has just released her first book “xoxo, from a girl who gets it: life notes for the young girl within.” Melody is married to the love of her life and together they are the proud parents of twin girls.For more information, please visit: www.lifeevolutionscoaching.com, and join the instagram conversation at @GiRLiFEempowerment.
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