This is week 2 of a 4 weeks series on Alchemy of the Elements with Li-Sann
This week we will explore the Earth Element.
By Li-Sann Mullings RN
Did you Know ;
That our connection to the 4 primary elements; Water, Earth, Air & Fire offer a powerful pathway to rebalancing our emotional, physical, mental and energetic bodies?
Having worked in the Spa & Wellness Industry for close to 3 decades, I have discovered from my work with clients that each of the 4 bodies hold the vibration of & is aligned with one of the 4 primary Elements.
Working with the Elements can and do support us in releasing heavy, dense energy like anger, sadness, grief etc stuck in one of these 4 bodies.
Over time our 4 bodies can become inundated with not just our personal heavy energetic deposits, but we also take on the energetic sludge within our environment. The 4 elements of Water, Earth, Air & Fire when used in specific ways can be powerful resources that support us to cleanse, purify,release, renew, ground, rebirth, transmute, and access higher states of consciousness.
We carry each of the 4 elements within us, so they recognize us as “Self”, and when we in turn recognize them in the same way, and actively partner with them, then transformation of an Alchemical nature happens.
Today we will explore the Element of Earth, and t’s connection to us as a Species. The Earth as an Element resonates with our Physical body which influences all of our chakras. It can, and do support our physical health and wellbeing.
While we are nourished by what grows on the Earth Mother in the way of our foods, and while we are uplifted by the beautiful vistas all around us, and while our heart can be uplifted by the gift of other Beings who are present here, we can most importantly be supported to release from our physical body areas of stuck, dense energies that can show up as pain, discomfort, and even diseases over time.
The Earth’s Magnetic Field knows us, and has always supported our physical wellbeing. Many years ago when Astronauts first began to travel into outer space away from the Earth’s Magnetic Field, they would return with a variety of complaints arising from imbalances within their body. It turned out that being away from the Earth’s Magnetic Field for long periods of time was the reason for these imbalances. The solution was to place large magnetic strips in their space vehicles to simulate the Earth’s Magnetic Field.
As humans, because of our busy lifestyles, and working indoors etc, we have become separated from this powerful healing resource.
The amazing thing is that through a technique that I will share with you today that I call Energetic “Somatic” Journeying we can tap into this powerful Earth healing resource with amazing results anywhere and anytime.
I have witnessed over and over again in my private healing practice where physical discomforts disappear for my clients when guided on a journey to partner with the Earth Element as a healing resource. In addition this simple practice can be used as a refresher and renewer during a busy day. It clears the mind and re-energizes the body. The beauty and wonder of this practice is that it can be done indoors if you cannot be outside on the Earth. I have used this practice as an instant refresher while riding in a cab in the concrete jungle of New York City.
I will now guide you on this powerful Energetic journey to partner with the Earth to support your physical health and wellbeing.
Gently close your eyes, and take 3 deep calming breaths. Inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your nose.
Now press your feet firmly into the surface beneath them, and send a wide network of roots from the soles of your feet, all the way deep down travelling through the various layers of the Earth, all the way down into the molten core of the Earth.
Now connect with, and feel this warm, moist, purifying, nourishing energy of the molten core begin to seep into the root system you have sent down.
Feel this Earth energy begin to make its way up through your root system, up through the soles of your feet, and up into every area of your body.
Feel it spreading into every cell and tissue of your body., and over your skin washing away any dross.
If there is an area of your body that needs a bit more TLC, with your intention direct extra energy there.
Allow this process to continue for as long as you’d like.
Then gently bringing your root system back up through the layers of the Earth into the soles of your feet.
Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, and open your eyes.
Use this practice to restore harmony to your physical body whenever there is discomfort, or to revitalize you during a long or busy day.
If you miss my first article in this series on the Water Element, see it below.