This is week 4 of a 4 weeks series on Alchemy of the Elements with Li-Sann This week we will explore the Element of Fire

Did you Know ;
That our connection to the 4 primary elements; Water, Earth, Air & Fire offer a powerful pathway to rebalancing our emotional, physical, mental and energetic bodies.?

Having worked in the Spa & Wellness industry for close to 3 decades, I have discovered from my work with clients that the emotional, physical, mental, and energy bodies each hold the vibration of & is aligned with one of the 4 primary Elements. Working with the Elements can and do support us in releasing heavy, dense energy like anger, sadness, grief etc stuck in one of these 4 bodies.

The 4 elements of Water, Earth, Air & Fire when used in specific ways can be powerful resources that supports us to cleanse, purify,release, renew, ground, rebirth, and transmute.
We carry each of the 4 elements within us, so they recognize us as “Self”, and when we in turn recognize them in the same way, and actively partner with them, then transformation of an Alchemical nature happens.

Today we will look at the Element of Fire which is a powerful reminder of our will, creative power, and true essence as Light. The fire Element is connected to the 4th Chakra, the energy center of the heart.
Since the initial discovery of Fire in the early stone ages, it has become embedded in human behavior, advancing technologies, and has influenced human biology by assisting in providing the high quality diet which has fueled the increase in brain size through the Pleistocene.

The Element of Fire has been described as “An Agent for positive change in your life” , it is associated with the Energy Body – that Torus Field of light- which surrounds the physical body. It is the Element that gives light, represents energy itself, and acts as a bridge between the states of consciousness you are familiar with, and the enlightened consciousness spoken of by Spiritual Masters throughout the ages.

Fire is an alchemical force that can act as a change agent in our life, and is the Element that supports us in Mastery of the Self.
It is said that” Enlightened ones do not fight with fire, they realize that they are it’s fuel.” In the Kashmir Shiavite, and other Eastern lineage streams, fire is seen as a powerful force that is ablative in nature, it cuts through, and burns away the ego of the false self, in order to receive a higher grace, a Divine Grace. It burns away the veil of illusion, so that we might once again remember, and reconnect with our true Self as unbounded and free.

The Quero Shamans in my lineage believe that the Energy Body is the software that decides the way we live, the way we age, the way we evolve, and the way we die. Purifying, cleansing, and transmuting the imprints of all forms of trauma from the Energy body is the path to lasting transformation on all levels.

The Energy Body is the container that holds the emotional, physical, and mental bodies within it, much like Russian stacking dolls. Purifying and healing the Energy Body has a positive ripple effect on the other 3 bodies.
Fire therefore is the super Element, the powerful antidote that transmutes at all levels.

I have worked with the fire Element many times without a physical fire, like traveling and sitting in an airport. You can do this practice anytime with or without a fire. If you have a small candle in a glass jar you can safely use that also.
Use this practice anytime you are feeling truly depleted, weary, or in need of a deep release & recalibration. As an ongoing practice this can support deep transmutation, increased clarity, and access to higher consciousness.

Close your eyes and connect with your breath.

Take 3 deep calming circular breaths, and with each breath allow your awareness to turn inwards.

Now see directly in front of you in your mind’s eye a small fire, or a candle if you’re using one.
Connect with the fire, and feel it’s recognition of you as Light , as Self.

Now with your intention release into the fire – you could use your hands to make a gesture of offering – all that no longer serves you, it could be a problem, an old habit you’ve outgrown, a disempowering pattern you’re ready to let go of, a physical challenge etc.

Make your offering to the fire for each thing that you are releasing.

Offer your gratitude to the fire for this transmutation in whichever way feels appropriate to you.

Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and open your eyes.

Use this practice whenever you would like to release anything that is having a negative impact in any area of your life, for a powerful reset and recalibration to harmony & wellbeing.
If you missed my first 3 articles in this series on the Water, Earth, and Air Elements you can read them here.