Queens, right now is our time to focus on the present moment and see how it is working for us, not to us. This moment in time can offer us many more opportunities for growth, expansion, and creativity than we would have embraced had it not been for these current circumstances. While this doesn’t mean not caring or showing deep compassion for what’s currently happening, but instead demonstrating a new mindset and implementing conscious actions around it.
“Queen-mentality” is about doing just that— finding the gift and lesson within any challenge before it leaves, because they will always leave, and this too shall pass. Right now, is the chance for you to take hold of time, darling! Most of us are pivoting our businesses online right now so that we can still best serve and motivate our audiences with our work. I am right there with you discovering more and more avenues in which I can take my business up a level during this time. In order to do so, I have also turned my home-based work environment into a complete powerhouse fit for a Queen!
I have some tips to share with you that will guide you into your most luxurious, creative, and productive at-home work-based queendom, too.

My Top 10 Tips to Work Virtually like a Queen
1) Start each day with a spiritual workout.
Your spiritual workout is just as important as your physical workout. This is your time to connect to a greater power, a Divine source. Queens know that they can attribute their strength to the Divine, and therefore create the appropriate time and space to allow it in. This spiritual practice can look very different from person to person. It’s an intimate time to connect within, gaining power and intuitive strength. Personally, my “Spiritual workout” comes in the form of 5 minutes of reading, writing, movement, and meditation. In whichever outlet you choose that best suits you, remember to lead with your heart forward and express gratitude to draw in the unlimited abundance that is available to you.
2) Calendar everything in advance.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed when we don’t have a clear path for our day. Queens understand that neglecting to organize their calendar first and foremost subjects them to overloaded schedules, putting their own needs last, and amplifying their stress levels. All things we don’t want to do when running successful businesses. Every night before you go to bed, be sure that your calendar for the next day is set. You can see ahead of time what the plan is and best strategize your upcoming day, making the most of your precious time.
3) Communicate with your team and clients as needed.
The most powerful tool you own is the ability to communicate effectively. Being able to communicate efficiently will alleviate unnecessary stress and help to delegate tasks so that you can focus on your main projects and priorities. For me, I communicate mostly with my leadership team. As my overall team has expanded, communicating with my designated leaders helps to make sure that project threads are being appropriately carried out. By having confidence in my strong leaders and talented team, I can carry on my day focusing on my clients and being where I need to be so that I can best serve them. This is an important step so that systems operate smoothly and function at the level expected of a Queen.
4) Have the appropriate apps to support you and your work.
This is the age of technology, and there are many sources out there available to you that can support your business in wonderful ways. In times when we may be forced to feel isolated, distanced, or unable to be physically present in our work environments, technology can connect us in genuine ways. Using apps designed for the type of work you are implementing can help to soothe the mindless, daunting, and long-handed way of doing things. Anywhere that you can use a more time-efficient system, take advantage of that opportunity!
Here are a few of our favorites at Divine Living:
Zoom for virtual meetings, webinars, program calls or podcast interviews.
Asana for my team’s project management threads, task organization, and delegation.
Voxer for our team’s quick and conversational communication throughout the day.
And of course, Google Docs and Google Calendars for all team members to quite literally be on the “same page”.
5) Setup your home environment to enable your best work.
It’s almost impossible to produce your best work when your mind is focused on all going on in your house– the kids are fighting, lunch needs to be made, the doorbell is ringing, the laundry is overflowing, and look at that mess that was left in the kitchen from breakfast! Ugh.
I get it, there is a lot going on at all times, and as Queen, your attention is always in constant demand. However, also as Queen, it is your job to know what deserves your attention. There are ways to set up your home so that you can feel at peace when you are working and come back to those other thoughts in their own time. Trying to do it all at once will not only make your work suffer but your home-life too.
Just like setting up your calendar in advance, also set up your home systems in advance. Find childcare if that’s needed for you. Hire help for cleaning and cooking, if that’s accessible. If not, arrange cleaning on certain days/times and look into ordering healthy meals from local companies. Meal prepping is always an excellent option. Make sure that your workspace feels comforting and relaxing. It should be simple and not buried under clutter. Your mind will instantly feel distracted if your workspace is not calm, cool, and collected. Make the necessary arrangements to support you best.
6) Schedule breaks.
Queens do not force themselves to push through long days without breaks that allow them the time to eat nourishing foods, collect their thoughts, and rest when necessary, as they know that will not adequately support their work ethic. Neglecting your personal needs will deplete your energy and have you operating at a low-level vibe. This will be evident to those around you and those you work with. To lead with your best foot forward at all times, it is imperative to schedule breaks. When you schedule in breaks it will be less likely forgotten or skipped. Remember, your calendar is gold and your alert leadership is essential!
7) Practice being present with each task.
Queens do not multitask. Period. When you multitask you take away the value of each task. You don’t see it in its true essence and might miss some valuable pieces of information in doing so. Have you ever talked to someone who was also reading through their emails, answering calls, or cooking dinner? I know I have. And I’ll tell you, I didn’t feel like I was being heard or valued. You do not want to send this message to your clients, team members, or friends and family. As a Queen, you know how valuable others are, as well as their time. Just as you expect others to treat you and your time with respect, you should always reciprocate.
To be successful, distance yourself from distractions and carve our certain times in which you will focus on each area.
8) Set strong boundaries.
Make your boundaries known and do not bend on them. Others will respect and honor your boundaries if you do. For me, my team knows to check my calendar ahead of time for the best times to talk and collaborate. They know that my time is off-limits when I am on coaching calls. This falls in direct correlation to multi-tasking. It wouldn’t be in anyone’s best interest if I allowed everyone to reach out to me at any given minute of every day. This not only would disrupt that beautiful schedule of yours, but also take away from your presence in work and connection.
9) Let your “yes be your yes” and your “no be your no.”
In addition to setting strong boundaries and aligning your calendar, this is a must-do. Staying true to your commitments will validate your strength and develop a relationship of respect with those around you. This includes negating the impulse to take on more projects outside of what you already have scheduled. You may be hesitant to pass up an opportunity and therefore tempted to take on “just one more.” But, instead of overloading, eloquently state your interest and ask to talk more next week or when your calendar frees up. People will respect your honesty and the fact that you want to be fully committed to their project. This also includes being firm in your “no.” Sometimes that gorgeous weather can tempt us to take a day off. While days to yourself are important, schedule them ahead of time. If it’s not on the calendar, it’s not the time. Stay focused.
10) Have structures to support your time blocks.
This encompasses all the above. Your team ranges from your family, your friends, your staff, your clients, and everything in between. Communicate clearly to them, plan ahead of time, be honest and genuine, and you will set yourself up for success. Let your schedule be known to others so they can know what to expect. This will release the fear of judgment when striving to meet your needs.
I hope these top ten tips I shared with you will guide you into conquering your at-home Queenhood! You deserve all the productivity, peace, and success that comes your way! Remember, Queens do not make excuses, they simply find alternative ways to accomplish their Divine callings with strength and poise.