55% of workers feel they are overworking and 45% have symptoms of stress in their jobs, according to The Resilience Institutes Resilience Delivers: How and Why report. However, these numbers can be dramatically improved if companies enhance the resilience of employees in the workplace.

When talking about work well – being, it is usual that we only think about the physical factors of it, but the psychological part has as much or more influence on the performance of the workforce.

Some data that does not go unnoticed by organizations, which are beginning to incorporate programs focused on developing the resilience capacity of locksmith markham employees to reinforce the mental health of human capital. Thus, according to a survey carried out by Conduent’s Human Resources services, 22% of companies already have this type of initiative and another 28% plan to implement them soon.

What is resilience?

The term resilience has its origin in the field of Physics, where it refers to the ability of a body to regain its original shape after an impact or deformation.

Why is it important in the work environment?

With an increasingly frenetic work rhythm and in an environment of uncertainty and constant changes, professionals must face, today more than ever, stressful days, problems, unforeseen events, news … How this scenario is faced will depend on the employee resilience. Surely we know colleagues who in a crisis situation are able to take the reins and find a solution without losing their nerves, while others become blocked and panic as soon as they are taken out of their comfort zone.

Thus, according to The Resilience Institute report, high employee resilience has a high impact on a score of indicators of worker well-being and performance. In general terms, the benefits of resilience in the work environment extend to the following aspects:

Better mental health. Resilient people have better emotional management and can relax and stay focused in times of stress, offering a positive approach to problems.

Better physical health.

This emotional well-being is accompanied by an enhancement of the physical state of professionals, helping to strengthen the immune system of resilient workers, which prevents them from suffering sick leave.

Better stress management.

It is not that they do not perceive stress, but that the resilience of the employees allows them to handle these scenarios competently.

More personal growth.

By knowing how to adapt to the demands of the moment, resilient people are more flexible and open to learning new skills and taking on new challenges, that is, to get out of their comfort zone, which benefits the innovative and creative potential of their company.

Greater connection with others.

Their high emotional management makes them assertive and empathetic people, influencing the creation of positive work climates.

How to boost employee resilience?

Companies can drive employee resilience through the following practices:

Develop resilience at the leadership level.

Companies must lead by example and ensure that leaders are the first to show resilient behavior.

Promote a sense of purpose.

When workers find meaning in what they do, they become more involved and are therefore able to overcome obstacles to achieve their goals.

Empower workers.

Professionals who feel they have control over their work will be more resistant to problems, taking more pride in their role in the company.

Change management.

Circumstances are going to change, whether the company wants it or not, so it is important to develop an organizational culture where change is perceived as a challenge, rather than a conflict.

Encourage personal relationships.

Creating strong interpersonal ties improves employee resilience, having more support to rely on in difficult times.

Monitor stress levels.

The organization must implement mechanisms that monitor the individual and group stress levels of the workforce, to address solutions in their early stages.

Value the sense of humor.

Resilient people can laugh in crisis situations. Therefore, managers should not reprimand this attitude, quite the contrary.

Encourage self-confidence.

By recognizing the achievements of workers, leaders reinforce the self-esteem and self-confidence of employees, making them more resilient people.

Facilitate training. Learning new skills and abilities is undoubtedly a good mechanism to increase the resilience of employees, who will be more prepared for new challenges.

Boost the ability to adapt.

When professionals work in a scenario where falling apart is not an option, they will tend to seek creative and innovative solutions to overcome problems.
