Do you want to create a better nighttime routine that you can stick to?

Humans are creatures of habit and need structure in their day-to-day to feel their best. For many, having a routine at night helps them wind down after a long day and get ready for bed. It’s also a great way to practice consistency and be more mindful of how you spend your time. 

Our sleep system needs repetition and predictability for the best results and chance at success. To sleep well, it’s important to perform a routine at the same time every night so your body knows it’s time to sleep. Routines create a stable environment that prepares your mind and body for relaxation. 

If you want to develop a more consistent and effective nighttime routine, here are 4 tips to help you get started.

Commit to a Bedtime

Your body follows a sleep-wake cycle every 24 hours called the circadian rhythm. It’s mostly affected by light and darkness so it knows when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake up.

When you first start your routine, you’ll need to get your mind and body on the same page so it’s easy to stay consistent according to your circadian rhythm. The easiest way to do this is by choosing the same time to start every night.

Use your phone to set an alarm or write down reminders in a place you’re guaranteed to see. The more consistent you are with the time you perform your routine, the easier it’ll be to commit to long-term.


Mindful meditation has shown to improve sleep patterns so you can feel well rested when you wake up. Meditation is a mental training practice that uses breathing techniques to refocus the mind. 

When practiced regularly, meditation can reduce anxiety, enhance awareness, and improve concentration. It’s a great way to further your personal growth and calm your mind so it’s easier to hit the pillow and fall asleep immediately.

Adding meditation to your nightly routine will encourage you to practice regularly so you can reap the benefits. The longer you stick to it, the sooner you’ll see positive results. 

Avoid Screens Before Bed

Enhancing your nightly routine means making better choices that aid your sleep and make you feel good. Many people have the habit of scrolling through their phones or watching their favorite television shows before bed. But this can actually affect how long it takes to fall asleep and mess up your routine. 

Electronics emit blue light that tricks your brain into thinking it’s daytime. As a result, your brain suppresses melatonin production and makes it difficult to fall asleep.

For the best results, make sure to avoid being around screens during the last part of the night. An hour before you’re ready to sleep, create a habit to stay away from electronics. Instead, you can read a book, write in a journal, or meditate. 

Drink Hot Tea

Eating heavy meals before bed is bad for your health as it can lead to disrupted sleep, acid reflux, and digestive issues. But drinking hot tea is a different story as it can help you wind down and feel relaxed before getting into bed.

Drinking hot tea induces a calming effect perfect for the nighttime as you get into your routine. There are many different flavors and kinds to choose from, including lavender, chamomile, valerian root, passionflower, lemon balm, and more. All of these contain soothing properties to help you relax. Just make sure they’re caffeine-free.

Over to You

There are many ways you can enhance your nightly routine without exerting too much energy or making it too difficult. These tips are a game-changer to help you start creating healthy habits at night so it’s easy to improve your sleep and overall health. How will you enhance your routine at night?