Your 9-5 or your 8-4 or whatever it was you’ve worked before has gone for now. You have to find a new way! How you choose to start and set up your day will define your success in our new working. Routine, discipline and habits will be your saviour!
The novelty will pass soon and you’ll be challenged as I was with too much grazing, binge watching box sets during the day – because you can, and generally taking you foot off the pedal – because you think no one is watching.
Believe me when I say… they are watching!
Plan your day like a pro and you’ll get more achieved. Regular routines, daily habits and discipline will make the difference to whether you have a great day, or you’re reaching for the wine at 5pm!
- Set Working Hours. Decide on what your working hours will be, and stick to them! The routine will save your sanity.
- Use a Planner. Plan out your week using a structure – you clearly can’t go out an buy one at the moment but there are literally thousands of free online planners you can download.
- Establish a designated working area – no matter how small or large your home you need to carve out some space for you. If you can’t find space in a room then it’s important that you put all your work stuff away and close that laptop when you are done. My husband is working from home at the moment so he has commandeered the office, and I’m working from the kitchen table – but making sure it all gets put away at the end of the day so I can get away from it and decompress.
- Leave The House. You need some sunshine and some fresh air. If you are self isolating then walk around the garden if not get out and get your brisk walk. If you’re self isolating and in a flat – get on the balcony, or open the windows and breathe in that fresh air – it’s important!
- Socialise. Explore ways of connecting and staying in touch that work for you. I’m a functioning introvert, I have a few very close friends who I talk to and see regularly and my BFF who I have talked to every day for 30+ years. Being home bound is a challenge to me and many people I know. So find a way to ensure you get your social connection fix. Technology is brilliant so use what works for you. So arrange a daily cuppa with a colleague or a friend. Schedule to have your virtual lunch together and chat about your day, moan about your boss – do whatever works for you to get you through this.
Develop new routines and structures to help you in this new period of change. Having the ability to adapt as our working situation evolves will stand you in great stead.
Remember dogs, Kids, Men and Businesses need routine to thrive!
I write broadly on getting more done, so take a look at this recent blog: 12 Top Tips for Working from Home
Above all have fun, look after yourself and stay safe.