A person with a strong social network will find meaning.
Human connection was found to be the number one cause of happiness in many case studies over the years.
Even on a biological level connection produces the feel-good chemical in the brain known as oxytocin.
The problem is how many of us really arrange our lives according to this? The reality is that we are not naturally drawn towards connection even though science and our own common sense tells us this is something important.
This is a place where we must exercise our freedom of choice and choose to build relationships of mutual responsibility and support. But just like any long-lasting relationship, it’s not always easy.
The more person tries to do this the more one begins to feel rejection towards bonding with others.
This is natural.
And it serves as an opportunity to further strengthen our cohesion and mutual understanding between each other to the extent of our efforts to connect.
And just like any muscle, the heart grows stronger the more we work it.
By encouraging one another as we engage in this common goal we can learn how to build these connections very fast!