A company’s culture is its way of life on shared attributes and values. It is a summation of what makes the organization. Fostering company culture in an organization is a challenge to many leaders. They have to incorporate unique individuals into the company’s beliefs and values.
Most organizations perceive mentorship programs on specific mentor-mentee matches. It results in hierarchical matching, leaving the juniors out of the equation. This type of mentoring program is not useful for developing junior talent and skills within an organization.
For effective results about mentorship programs, organizations need to practice the mentors-of-the-moment strategy. Mentors-of-the-moment engages employees from different ranks. The process involves daily interactions on ways to help grow and develop junior employees.
The mentors-of-the-moment program is ideal for your everyday mentorship programs. It enhances self-esteem and self-confidence. The involvement of the different ranks makes the junior employees have some sense of belonging. It is a culture that elevates your organization to the next level by increasing the employees’ productivity. It encourages cohesiveness within the company.
What makes the mentors-of-the-moment model ideal? Its support for positive micro-exchanges at the workplace. The mentoring strategy encourages informal relationships and builds stronger bonds within employees. Since most of the employees prefer informal mentorship, the mentors-of-the-moment strategy results in a positive and more robust relationship in and outside the office.
The mentors-of-the-moment strategy encourages employees to learn the names of their colleagues. It gives the junior employees morale since their names are recognized in the office. The process prioritizes interactions and allows employees to detour from specific schedules to boost interactions among them. The momentary exchanges are regular, making them effective in creating reasonable grounds for cohesiveness and mentoring.
Organizations that want to foster company culture through mentorship should incorporate this strategy. It results in loyalty, commitment, and increased retention of the employees. The junior employees get options as opposed to when organizations use a single mentor. The process results in a web of supportive associations, making it easier for the juniors to fit into the culture.
For leaders to become better mentors-of-the-moment, they need to use simple conversation starters. These include words of encouragement. They should talk about their accomplishments and successes to boost the morale of their juniors. With transparency and accountability, the mentors-of-the-moment is ideal for fostering a company’s culture.