One of my friends believes that her husband should have more photos of her on his social media site, and she feels bad about it. Her mistake is in thinking that those two things are connected – his action and her feeling – because attaching a feeling to a should doesn’t get us what we want.

Shoulding on our partners will not fill our needs. So these statements won’t help: “You should come home when you say you will!” “You should pay attention to what I say!” “You should treat me better!”

Should-statements don’t work. But they do provide important clues about our needs and expectations. Problems begin when we make our needs someone else’s responsibility and then believe we have the right to get angry about it. Our anger indicates an action for us to take, not someone else.

If we don’t take care of our emotional needs, holding our partners responsible can seem reasonable. And what begins as an expectation can turn into a should, and then become a demand. And if our partners don’t respond the way we want, we may choose anger, to manipulate them. But it won’t work.

Getting what we believe we want at the expense of our partners can’t bring us satisfaction. Externals can’t provide the fulfillment we’re seeking, because what we’re really looking for is an end to the discord inside ourselves. So discovering how to heal the discord is what we need to focus on, because that’s what can provide some common ground in order to resolve the differences.

We train everyone in our lives how to treat us, through our response to what they do. And any repetitive behavior is recurring because it’s being reinforced, by us. So changing our partner’s behavior begins with changing our own. And a good place to begin is by creating perspectives and conditions that support success. So here are some steps to take when an issue isn’t red-hot and everyone is calm:

  • Take turns talking.
  • Agree to make criticizing, complaining and blaming off limits.
  • Avoid talking about the past as justification for current feelings.
  • Identify needs by saying, “This is the behavior I’m asking from you,” and explain why it’s important.
  • Ask open questions and listen for keywords in order to discover each other’s needs.
  • Focus on solutions that work for everyone. Agreeing to disagree won’t be enough, because it doesn’t acknowledge that everyone is right from his or her viewpoint.
  • Hug it out and say, “Thank you.”

It’s about focusing on what’s going well so that what’s not can transform. And as being solution-oriented becomes second nature, answers begin showing up even before the problems do.

You can follow Grace on Instagram, and read more of her posts at


  • Grace de Rond

    Author, Blogger, Contributor

    Grace de Rond writes about effective living through focused thought, at and for sites including The Good Men Project and HuffPost. Her inspiration comes from a lifelong study of the mind-body-spirit connection and her coaching and teaching with professionals and families. Her latest book is called Thoughts Worth Thinking on Life, Career, Lovers and Children.