Everyday life, relationships and our work doesn’t stop … the current situation changes a lot in our lives. Maybe you even lost your job during the Corona crisis or you are on short-time work. It is time to ask yourself: “Should I change too?” And how can things continue after such a decisive time that has quickly turned everything upside down?
What do you really want and what do you need to be more satisfied – with your job and therefore with your life?
You can use the negative to get positive out of it: Losing a job is undoubtedly not nice. But it also offers the chance to ask yourself honestly: Where do I actually want to go? What have I perhaps not dared to do so far? Difficult phases in our life have the power to give us more courage. Because at some point this crisis will be over. And if you are already working now to be able to do what makes sense for you later, then you are already working for yourself and for the benefit of your future. So use this time sensibly for yourself – how you can do it psychologically.
Why change is exhausting
As simple as it sounds, it can be so painful. If you are stuck in a job that you consider to be a burden, or who currently have no job at all, you have exactly two options:
- To leave everything as it is and to wait until something happens that gets you out of the situation
or - Leave your comfort zone and take the first step towards change.
Start with the meaning
In the beginning there is the meaning. The simplest is often the hardest: How do you find out what you really want, what is your dream job?
These steps can help you on the right path to your dream job:
Develop yourself further
Learning new things is important – especially in this fast-moving world. As you know, the working world of tomorrow will be even more changeable, even more flexible and even more digital. This demands life long learning from each of us. Staying on the ball and learning new things not only opens up job prospects – even in difficult job market situations like the one at the moment – but also new horizons. While investing in yourself with training, it’s evenly important on working on presenting yourself well to potential employers. Therefore, it’s important to tailor your resume in such a fashion that your most relevant personal traits and skills show up first. In the end, an employer is interested in what you can do for them and not the other way around.
By the way, doing something regularly for your further education has a positive psychological side effect: rituals have great power over us. Regular time slots for your hobbies or further training ensure that you have the feeling that you can control things that cannot be controlled at all. This gives your day structure and makes you feel happy when you do something meaningful for yourself.
So if you put together a small training plan – for example, one hour online course for further training every Tuesday and Thursday evening – you are investing not only in your career, but also in your general satisfaction.