Know you are okay no matter what. That is real confidence.

Things don’t always go to plan.

You are not perfect.

Life is not perfect.

Life is not always rainbows and unicorns.

There will be times when you’re challenged.

You feel frustrated. Impatient. Low on Energy.

You are so ready to make things happen. Launch that new product or service.

Raise your prices or take your relationship to the next level.

But it’s not happening. And you’re stuck.

That’s OKAY. You are okay.

In fact, this is normal in life and particularly on the entrepreneurial journey.

We don’t all feel great every day.

***Up-levelling Can be Tough But It’s Worth It!***

You can also feel low on energy when you are up-levelling. I have been up-levelling again recently and it’s tough some days but worth it!

Up-levelling means you are breaking your way through your self-imposed upper limits and barriers.

So that we can allow the next level of love, abundance, success, happiness and more to come into our lives. Our energy or vibration is increasing.

We can often feel tired, low on energy or exhausted as all the old energy, emotions and limitations are being released.

It’s a sort of purging of energy and emotions and it can take its toll.

So how we cope with these energy releases, up-levelling and bad/off days is vital.

It’s not about resisting our emotions or beating ourselves up. That only makes things worse.

Here are a few tips to get unstuck, get the energy flowing again and move forwards:

***Stop Beating up on Yourself & Be Your Own Best Friend ***

If you beat up on yourself for not showing up, feeling stuck or not doing everything you planned.

You feel worse and you then keep yourself stuck and low.

Because you’re bringing more harsh energy and bad emotions into the mix.

However, if you are kind to yourself. Allow yourself to feel your emotions. Ease up on yourself.

And speak kindly and encouragingly to yourself. Like you would to your best friend.

You allow yourself to move through the challenges/bad day/problem, so much quicker.

If you really can’t think of anything nice to say to yourself.

Literally stop and ask yourself: ’What would I say to my best friend right now?’

***Reach Out & Ask for Help****

If you’re still stuck reach out and ask your best friend what she would say to you about where you are right now!

Take a step back and out of your own bubble, and look back in at yourself through her eyes.

You’d probably say things like — look how much she’s got going on, how far she’s come, what she has done and how well she is doing.

Reaching out to a trusted friend or colleague is a great way to get you easing up on yourself. And also a great way to get practical help.

This releases the energy and get you unstuck and moving forwards again.

***Choose to do it YOUR Way***

Ditch the ‘should’, ‘must’, ‘ought to’, ‘need to’, ‘have to’ as well as all the comparisons…. And replace with ‘I choose’, ‘I want’ and ‘I’d love to.’.

Start doing what’s right for YOU! And do it YOUR way.

What’s right for someone else is not necessarily what will work for you.

Before doing something, take a moment to check in with yourself and ask: ‘How would it feel if I do x, y or z’?

Tune into your heart energy when you do this by breathing into your heart. Our feelings and emotions are our guidance system — listen to them!

***It’s YOUR Life & Business. Keep your Promises to Yourself***

You are your own person. This is your life. You have your own lessons to learn.

And it does not matter what everyone else is doing. You and your life are the most important thing.

Start keeping your promises to yourself more of the time.

You cannot pour from an empty cup. Tend to and take care of yourself first and then come back when you are feeling better.

Taking yourself out of the situation(s) that are causing you stress or worry for short periods is super powerful.

Often, you’ll find you get a moment of clarity about how to move forwards. You get inspired, get unstuck and can move forwards.

But don’t beat yourself up if you don’t always manage to keep your promises to yourself.

Have fun. Feel good and keep on going.

Image courtesy of Unsplash

***Real Confidence = Knowing you are Okay No Matter What***

When you know that you are okay NO MATTER WHAT!

That is real confidence and it comes from your Solar Plexus.

No matter what happens. No matter what the results. No matter what the outcome.

You just know that you are okay. Help is always on the way.

The Universe/God/Higher Power has your back.

And everything is ALWAYS working out for you!

You are exactly where you need to be right now.

Keep the faith. Trust. Let go of control.

Do what you can, with what you have from where you are.

Love Claire xxx

P.S. Want to flood your mind with positive affirmations to develop real confidence and know you are okay no matter what? Download my free PDF of 249 Affirmations for Unbreakable Confidence and Manifesting Magic by clicking here.

Originally published at