The high-tech sector has been unusually quiet over the last couple of weeks, as everyone scrambles to adjust to the new #WFH stage. How we respond to a crisis is really an amazing time to observe leaders in action.

For example, a CEO from a small startup here in Israel said to his new HR Manager, “So what will you do for the next few months now that you’re not recruiting? We need you in marketing for a special project.” I posted about it and she showed it to him! ?

Some people thrive in a time of crisis, and that’s exactly what’s happening with mobile attribution leader AppsFlyer. The new work-from-home posts demonstrate this company’s special resilience, and unique ability to move quickly and decisively no matter what. Be even more innovative and creative in business. And keep smiling all the way through. This is a company that thrived on in person meetups and conferences. Which makes this pivot to the virtual realm all the more impressive.

Click on the AppsFlyer posts below to get some great hacks for making #WFH really uplifting and exciting.

One for all, and all for one by CEO Oren Kaniel

HR People Activity by Chief People Officer Lisa Zaythik

#WFH Marketing Activity by Chief Marketing Officer Ran Avrahamy

Customer Success from Home by Chief Customer Officer Zif Peled

Rocketship Moving Fast by Head of Talent Assaf Schwartz

Virtual Pilates Class by Strategic Customer Success Manager Maya Kahana