When you’re lonely and isolated because of work, it can be such a terrible experience. People were made for community. It’s so important for the human spirit to feel connected to others. Being in a position where work forces you to be alone can feel hopeless. Thankfully, there are many effective ways to handle this experience, bring joy to your life and find a new sense of resilience on the other side.
Schedule Phone Calls and Video Chats
Think about the times when you feel most lonely. If you tend to sink into those emotions after you’ve eaten dinner, use that time to call a friend or a family member. If you notice that you feel triggered around the same time each day, consider scheduling a phone call with a different friend or family member each day. When you’re able to connect with someone else, you’re tapping into your emotional support system. Plus, checking in on someone else will take the focus off of you and your emotions for a while.
Get a Pet
There’s a reason why so many people have pets. Pets are amazing companions who bring joy to their owners. For many people, pets are very real members of the family. There’s nothing better than coming home to an adorable puppy. Consider looking around to see if there are any puppies for sale.
Cultivate Some Hobbies
When you’re not working, find interesting hobbies that can enhance your life. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to make a specific type of cuisine, start following cooking channels online. Purchase a few cookbooks. Try a new recipe every few days to give yourself something to look forward to. If you’re not into fitness, work on changing that. Exercise has a way of boosting the mood and releasing endorphins.
Put Down Your Phone
When you’re lonely, one of the last things you should ever do is log on to social media apps. When you’re watching your followers and their highlight reels, you’re missing out on creating your own special moments. Plus, a lot of what you see online is just a small snippet of reality. Put the phone down. Enjoy your own life.
Though loneliness is tough to deal with, try to see it as an invitation to something greater. When you’re able to dig deep to find a solution to your own problems, you empower yourself. It’s also okay to recognize when professional help might be beneficial. A therapist can help you work through the emotions that are associated with a career that isolates you. It’s never easy to feel lonely, but when you implement these tips, you’ll be able to get through it.