The visionary author Neale Donald Walsch writes, “There are only two energies at the core of the human experience: love and fear.” In one of my favorite books, Love Is Letting Go of Fear, Gerald G. Jampolsky echoes this idea: “There are only two emotions: one is Love and the other is fear. Love is our true reality. Fear is something our mind has made up and is therefore unreal.”
I like this way of looking at life. Of course, there are so many different complex emotions we feel, but at a primal level these two forces — love and fear — shape much of our lives. We all come into this world as innocent little beings of energy and love. But at some point, we are wounded, betrayed, let down. We begin downloading information from our parents, our teachers, our environment, the media, and the society we live in. We learn to protect ourselves, we learn not to trust, and we learn to be afraid. Some of us never find our way back from fear to love, but some of us are lucky enough to be offered the opportunity to rediscover the love and innocence that is our original nature.
This was the deeper spiritual journey that I was embarking on as I set out to manifest the life of my dreams, although I didn’t really know it at the time. I was beginning the task of freeing myself from the fear that my difficult childhood had engraved in my cells. What the mystery man intuitively knew is that love always vibrates at a higher frequency than fear. The way to free yourself from fear is to focus on love.
Focusing on Love
Another person who deeply understood the role of love as a central principle of the law of attraction was Charles F. Haanel, an early twentieth-century writer known as “the father of personal development.” Haanel was a major inspiration for the movie The Secret, and his Master Key System, published more than a century ago as a twenty-four-part correspondence course and then as a book, remains one of the definitive works on the principles of manifestation. It was formative for the great Napoleon Hill, and legend has it that Bill Gates read and was influenced by the book while at college. Haanel taught that “It is the combination of Thought and Love which forms the irresistible force, called the Law of Attraction.” Expanding on this idea, he writes:
“The principle which gives thought the dynamic power to correlate with its object, and therefore to master every adverse human experience, is the law of attraction, which is another name for love. This is an eternal and fundamental principle, inherent in all things, in every system of Philosophy, in every Religion, and in every Science. There is no getting away from the law of love. It is feeling that imparts vitality to thought. Feeling is desire, and desire is love. ought impregnated with love becomes invincible.”
Haanel recognized that the force he was teaching people to harness was intimately connected to the fabric of the entire Universe. He wrote, “the law of love is the creative force behind every manifestation, not only of atoms but of worlds, of the Universe, of everything of which the imagination can form any conception.”
What Is Love?
I’ve come to understand that love is much more than an emotion you feel toward people you care about. It truly is a cosmic force. The poet Dante described, “the Love which moves the sun and the other stars.” Love is fundamental to the workings of the Universe. “The universe only pretends to be made of matter. Secretly, it is made of love,” author Daniel Pinchbeckrecently wrote on Twitter.
When it comes to cosmic forces, who better to describe them than a cosmologist? Brian Swimme writes beautifully about love as a cosmic principle in his book The Universe Is a Green Dragon. “Love begins as allurement — as attraction. Think of the entire cosmos, all one hundred billion galaxies rushing through space: At this cosmic scale, the basic dynamism of the universe is the attraction each galaxy has for every other galaxy.” He even suggests that what we call “gravity” is actually synonymous with love, in the cosmic sense: “Gravity is the word we use to point to this primary attraction, but no matter how intelligently we theorize about the consequences of this attraction, the actual attracting activity remains a mystery.”
Describing how this plays out at both a molecular and a human level, he writes, “The proton is attracted only to certain particles. On an indefinitely more complex level, the same holds true for humans: Each person discovers a field of allurements, the totality of which bears the unique stamp of that person’s personality. Destiny unfolds in the pursuit of individual fascinations and interests. . . . By pursuing your allurements, you help bind the universe together. The unity of the world rests on the pursuit of passion.”
Love And The Creation Frequency
Swimme uses the term “allurement” where I might use “intention” or “desire,” but the principle is the same: Intention and love are two elemental forces come together to form the vibration of the Creation Frequency. It’s the vibration that gave rise to everything you see around you. It doesn’t really matter whether you believe that creativity and intentioncome from God or from a process called evolution — either way, its power for generating novelty and beauty is breathtaking. And it is inseparable from your own essential nature — you are both a product and an instrument of that creativity and intention. When you begin to tune in to the Creation Frequency, you become like a member of the cosmic orchestra — playing your unique part in harmony with the greater whole.
Intention is simply the desire to create — that elemental drive that turns possibility into reality, whether it’s the new car you want or a whole Universe made out of nothing. Intention is another way of describing the creative power of consciousness, the energy that exists at the heart of life and keeps it growing. Love is what attunes that intention toward the highest and most positive outcomes.
Accessing the Creation Frequency involves tuning in to the cosmic energies of intention and love that flow through the Universe and through your own consciousness, and then channeling them into your particular human desires and passions in order to transmit them out into the Universe. As I’ve explained, the Universe doesn’t judge — it will give you whatever you desire — but if your desire and intention are connected to love, it will manifest faster, because love is the energy that binds the Universe.
Excerpted from The Creation Frequency by Mike Murphy with permission of New World Library. Copyright © Mike Murphy, 2018.