- There’s really no such thing as work-life balance!
This is such an illusion of our world that there is a work-life balance! Focus on your work when you work and focus on family time when you’re outside with your family. It is important to be structured during the day. Tiji starts his day very early before everybody else is awake and works very structured throughout the day.
- Use Google calendar for everything!
Tiji uses google calendar almost religiously and also puts family events into his calendar. We use calendars most often for business meetings but make sure that you land family events also in your calendar. If it is not in your calendar that it is just a dream and not a got that you’re going to achieve.
- Block time for Revenue Producing Activity (RPA)
Block time for Revenue Producing Activity like creating and shooting videos, creating an email for an autoresponder. Things that really matter within your business and block time so that you get done these things!
? One book recommendation that Tiji gave me is “One Thing” by Gary Keller!
You can listen to the full interview on my podcast Content Marketing Mastery !
You get more insights about Content Marketing on my website: https://www.contentmentoring.com/
You can find more information about Tiji Thomas on his website: tijithomas.com