Do you find yourself sluggish and out of sorts in the morning? Is it difficult to eat a healthy breakfast, get ready, and arrive at work feeling well-rested? If so, it may be time to review your nighttime routine and make necessary adjustments.
It’s easier to boost your creativity and productivity when you have a nighttime routine that works for you. You may not know it, but the night before can either help you or hurt you, depending on how you spend it. If you’re up all night and only catch a few hours of sleep, it’s no wonder you feel terrible before work.
When you create a nightly routine that works for you, you set yourself up for success before the next day has even begun. Here are four ways to get started.
Plan Ahead
Do you plan your morning ahead of time? If not, it’s time to start.
By making important decisions the night before, you eliminate the possibility of decision fatigue. This occurs when you have too many choices to make in a short amount of time. It causes you to feel overwhelmed and want to give up on deciding anything. As a result, you make rushed decisions without a care.
It’s good to mentally prepare yourself for the day ahead so you know what to expect. You can easily adjust when you know what you have to do and when. So, if you have to register for an event in the morning, you won’t be caught off guard. It’s something you were already aware of the night before and you’re ready to take it on.
Set Goals
When you want to achieve something, you create goals. It’s good to have both work and non-work-related goals to accomplish in the morning. It creates an even balance between your personal and professional life so you can excel in both areas.
It’s easier to accomplish your tasks for the day if you create a to-do list you can refer back to. Your brain won’t always retain the information you need, so having a list helps you stay productive and on track.
Prioritize Sleep
Some people undermine the importance of getting enough sleep, especially when they have a full day ahead of them. A lack of sleep can cause fatigue, depression, and lessened focus. It’s crucial to sleep well so you feel energized in the morning. Otherwise, completing critical tasks will be difficult.
You should get at least seven hours of sleep a night, so you should budget your time accordingly. Instead of staying up watching television or scrolling through social media, make your sleep a priority. Remind yourself that you need rest to feel better the next day.
If you have trouble sleeping, you can try listening to calming music before bed. It sets the tone for relaxation so you can get in the right mindset to rest. You can create a YouTube playlist of your favorite nighttime tracks so it’s easy to access before hitting the sheets.
For people with stress and anxiety, many of them say that starting regular meditation was a game-changer for their health. Whether you do it in the morning, at night, or both, meditating has many benefits. Some of these include lower blood pressure, increased self-awareness, and better mental health.
Meditation forces you to embrace the calm and quiet instead of shy away from it. Constant noise throughout the day makes it difficult for your brain to wind down, especially at night. Taking as little as five minutes to practice meditating could make all the difference in your nighttime routine.
If you’d prefer, you can take yoga classes to get familiar with the different breathing techniques and do it with others. It’s easier to stay motivated when people hold you accountable or when you sign up for something. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and take a few classes to familiarize yourself with it.
Over to You
If you struggle to have productive mornings, then perhaps it’s time to create a nighttime routine. Sticking to certain habits will prepare you for the next day and make you feel ready to take on what’s ahead of you. What nightly practices will you adopt?