10 Simple Suggestions to Feed the Brain and Keep the Memory Alert.
Here are ten suggestions to feed the Brain and keep the memory alert. These are only suggestions however, anyone can make their own choices according to their physical health, and depending on their taste, likes and dislikes. As well as, one can do their own research to find other alternatives.
1. Good Brain Diet - They include foods such as: avocados; blueberries; broccoli; coconut oil; eggs; green leafy vegetables; Salmon; turmeric; walnuts and dark chocolate.
2. Get Rid of Self Sabotage - Having negative thoughts for example: “I am too old”; “I am too fat”;
“I am not smart enough”; “I am forgetful”, and list goes on and on.
3. Exercise - Control your movement by having a daily routine and sticking with it. For example walking is one of the easiest form of exercise, which can be done at anytime and anywhere, indoors or outdoors and at your own pace. Exercising regularly enhances the Brain, in areas of the ability to think; concentrate; and to create. Let’s focus on physical fitness, our brain and body will thank us.
“We stop exercising because we grow old, we grow old because we stop exercising “ Dr. Kenneth Cooper, Author of Aerobics.
4. Brain Nutrients - DHA Supplements, consult with your Doctor for the required nutrients as needed.
5. Peer Group - Have positive and supportive peers in your life.
6. Organized Surroundings - Do you maintain a clean and organized environment at home and at work?
7. Sleep - Early to bed early to rise. Do you get a good nights’ rest? Sleep is important for the brain to create and dream.
8. Brain Protection - The exposure and over use of electronic magnetism systems (EMS). Everyone is connected to some type of digital device. Let us take time to disconnect.
9. Continuing Learning - Continuing Learning is the super power for the brain. Enrol in a Course to upgrade a skill; find a new interest; learn a second or third language; learn to play an instrument, these are just to name a few.
10. Stress Management - All of the above ten suggested are ways of managing stress, with the focus on regular exercise; a healthy and balance diet; and physical fitness for nurturing our Mind and Body.