In recent days, you may have found yourself wondering: How do I find silver linings when I’m worried about keeping my loved ones, and myself, healthy and safe? The secret to staying positive, especially in these uncertain times, starts in recognizing and owning our resilience. That’s a great way to get back to who we are, not what’s happening to us.

Boosting our optimism can actually lead to better health and relationships with the people we care about — which are all great for bolstering our resilience. As we’re striving to take care of ourselves and our loved ones in the wave of a public health crisis, that’s good news.

A glass-half-full kind of attitude is more important now than ever before. And it doesn’t take a lot to spark a burst of optimism. Here are a few small steps you can try today:

When washing your hands for 20 seconds, think of three things you’re grateful for.

Gratitude can help you stay positive while you lower your risk of getting sick.

Take a moment each day to compliment a co-worker.

Positive vibes can help us de-stress in tough times. Let someone know you appreciate them.

If you experience stress, give yourself one minute to breathe.

Take a few deep breaths and think of something positive. You can do this wherever you are!
