Responding with love instead of fear is an inspiring act in today’s society ruled by mass media feeding our egoic minds servings of violence in the news and entertainment. But as we take this journey back to becoming authentic beings, we need to inspire ourselves to expand.
What do I mean by this? Well, if we aren’t enthused to continue our journey back to Spirit, then the egoic mind will retake control of our lives, and we don’t want that to happen. Inspiring ourselves comes from getting quiet every day and listening to our soul’s voice as it whispers daily encouragement.
We also need reassurance from others, but how do we find what we need? To find people to encourage us, we need to inspire others. Inspiring others is as simple as helping those around you discover their authentic selves. We do this by showing others our fearlessness by being our authentic selves. In return, our seeing them begin their own journey back to Spirit inspires us.
It is my responsibility to do what inspires me in order to inspire others to do what inspires them. ~ Tsepiso Makhubedu
What’s the Difference Between Motivation and Inspiration?
Motivating is moving ourselves or others to act in a way to achieve a specific and immediate objective. Motivation feels like I’m pushing myself, or I’m psyching others up to accomplish a goal or those things we’re supposed to do.
Inspiration comes from a completely different place. The word inspiration means to be in Spirit. Inspiration is about being called to act because we’re in direct alignment with the true potential that is us, our authentic selves.
Inspiration causes action. It involves changing how people think and feel about themselves, so they want to take positive steps forward. It taps into our values and desires. Inspiration appeals to the best aspirations of all of us, and its often unspoken message is, “You can become what you want to be.” No reward promised, other than the reward that comes from within: the sense of personal satisfaction.
Motivation is external; inspiration is internal. ~ Simon Lawry
What is the Science Behind Inspiration?
Inspiration stirs in us new possibilities by letting us transcend our everyday experiences and egoic limitations. This encouragement forces us from indifference to hopefulness and transforms the way we see our abilities. Although inspiration may seem elusive, it can be stimulated, appropriated, and directed, as a recent study shows.
Inspiration is spontaneous. It’s also not of the egoic mind because the ego cannot think outside itself. This transcendence out of the egoic mind gives clarity and awareness to endless potentialities. Seeing what we’ve never seen before with insight and excitement allows us to take action to take this new idea and make it a reality.
Inspiration has meaning to us individually. Why, because for us to be inspired, the insight has to arise from within ourselves. It’s an awakening to a new awareness or idea.
To evoke inspiration, we need to prepare ourselves for illumination by getting quiet and going within through prayer or meditation. This silence allows the soulful voice to speak so we can hear. We need to open our hearts to receive from Spirit the new breath it wants to give us.
When we get into a flow state, inspiration can come. Why, because when we are in flow, we are connected to Source where all inspiration comes.
Inspirations never go in for long engagements; they demand immediate marriage to action. ~ Brendan Francis Behan
What is the Link Between Creativity and Inspiration?
Creativity comes from our connection with Spirit. This statement also means that we are all creative because we are all connected to Source. Most people believe that artists are inspired, and they are.
Through openness to receive from our souls, we align with the Divine and get into the flow to co-create with Spirit. Through this flow state, our productivity increases, and so does our time management.
As we are inspired to create, we again transcend the limitations egoic mind to see beyond the current restraints. We advance towards our goals faster because the ego doesn’t have the opportunity to speak negativity.
All of these positive connections between inspiration and creativity also increase our feelings of well-being. The more inspired we are, the more actions we take, and the happier we are, no matter the outcome of those activities. Thus, we are furthering our abilities to be grateful for the everyday miracles in our lives, which give us more inspiration. See the cycle?
The inspired moment may sometimes be described as a kind of hallucinatory state of mind: one half of the personality emotes and dictates while the other half listens and notates. ~ Aaron Copland
How Do We Find Inspiration Through Others?
For us to become inspired by others, we need to spend time with authentic people. Are we surrounding ourselves with people who can teach us about our journey back to Spirit? Do we have role models or coaches that can help us when we have missteps or questions? If not, we need to find our tribe.
Those people who are like-minded and on the journey back to Spirit are the people we want to be around. We want to spend time with them, watch how they interact with others, and listen to how they speak.
We will see positive individuals, who respond with love, speak kindly, and reframe the circumstances they find themselves in to see the lesson they are to take from the experience. Our tribe will be happy people enjoying all life offers. And through our time with them, we will continually be inspired to grow and expand on our own spiritual path.
If we don’t have a tribe, seek one out. Look for our tribe everywhere we go. When we seek, we will find. These people will help us become all we know we should be.
Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
How Do We Inspire Ourselves?
Self-inspiration is the ability to take ourselves from inaction to action with excitement. This feeling arises from within us, but it’s different from just wanting to check things off our to-do list.
The egoic mind has so much to distract it from accomplishing the soul’s work by looking outside ourselves for everything. But since we have all the answers within us, self-inspiring people know we can tap into Spirit at any time.
Staying positive and focusing on the outcomes we want helps us feel good about whatever we are doing. This excitement reframes how we perceive the tasks before us. The more we want the outcome to occur, the more inspired we are to do the necessary work to complete the goal.
Another way to inspire ourselves is to remove the obstacles in our way. Most of our excuses for not accomplishing our objectives are fears of the egoic mind. Changing our perceptions of those impediments and recognizing why our egos are fearful can naturally allow inspiration to arise. When you remove the restraints, we feel inspired.
When inspiration doesn’t come, I go halfway to meet it. ~ Sigmund Freud
How Do We Overcome the Inner Blockade of the Egoic Mind?
One of our biggest hurdles is being overwhelmed with the number of things we want to accomplish each day. Or we overbook ourselves and feel exhausted. Part of our issue is when we feel inundated, we don’t know where to begin.
When we feel swamped, we need to implement priorities. To determine where we should start, get quiet. Breathe. Allow our souls to speak to us words of encouragement as well as give us direction. If we take this step, we will always get an answer about how to move forward with our tasks. This inspired course of action allows us to get into the flow and accomplish more than our egoic minds thought we could.
Every morning I write out “I am” statements. One of them I do on days I feel overwhelmed is: I am a master of time, in a flow state this day. This reminder helps me remember I am co-creating this day with Sprit, and I will accomplish all I need to for this day. And, most days, I am amazed at all I achieved.
Stop. Breathe. Allow yourself the luxury of doing nothing for a moment, or an hour, or even a day. It is in emptiness that inspiration will appear. ~ Carole Katchen
What is the Language of Inspiration?
Words are powerful, and they have energy. Expressions can lift us up or bring us down. Are we using our words to inspire ourselves and others?
When we speak our appreciation of others, it’s inspiring them to exhibit those behaviors more readily. Writing in our gratitude journals each day inspires our hearts to see the love all around us.
Be with people who speak words of love and not hate. Pay attention to our self-talk. Are we lovingly speaking to ourselves like we would a friend? Or are we belittling ourselves?
The language of inspiration is love, as it is the speech of Spirit. If the surrounding talk isn’t caring and loving, then it’s not inspiring. Smiling is another way to inspire because it’s immediately mood-altering. Most humans automatically smile back when we see a smiling face.
Laughter is also a significant source of inspiration. We know laughing causes us to feel less pain, and we take in appreciable amounts of air as we laugh. This air is breath, and breath is Spirit. So laughing is the intake of Spirit–inspiration.
When you talk, use words that inspire you and others. ~ Debasish Mridha
What Are the Ways for Us to Inspire Others?
We all influence and inspire others whether we realize it. When we live an authentic life, one of love and peace, we’re inspirational. As others see us being happy and content, we’re inspiring. When we are doing works of service, we’re encouraging. Showing kindness to strangers stirs others to do the same.
Spending time in nature is inspiring, especially when you can share the experience with another. Being loving and compassionate encourages others to be caring too. Be enthusiastic about life, and all it offers will be contagious to those around us. Build others up by generously giving sincere compliments.
Keep our promises to inspire others to keep their word, too. Only speak encouraging words that will positively affect those around you. Just post optimistic items on social media. Standing firm to our beliefs without being decisive is inspiring.
Taking responsibility for our actions is inspiring. Apologize when we error is inspirational. Truly listen to another while giving them our full attention without interrupting is encouraging.
Having far-reaching goals and reaching them is inspiring. Being self-confident is inspirational. Staying calm in a stressful environment is encouraging. Help others help themselves. All of these ways to inspire others naturally come when we are our authentic selves.
When you are living the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best versions of themselves. ~ Steve Maraboli
Moving Forward By Living A Life of Inspiration
When we begin our journey back to our authentic selves, we look for others to help guide us. As we mature in our walk, we become the source of inspiration for others. Be conscious of this fact that we all influence one another. Through our compassion, we make vital connections that allow us to be inspired and to inspire others.
As we become more conscious of how we inspire ourselves and others, we can positively influence those around us and better the world.
Encouraging others through words or actions helps to inspire and encourage you in return. You are helping others exactly the same time you are helping yourself. ~Nasreen Variyawa
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