With time and effort, you can create a comfortable, open and welcoming atmosphere that attracts people to you and increases your social interactions. Using open body language, learning to involve others and striving for your appearance can help you to see yourself and feel more friendly and sociable.

Smile frequently.

A warm and welcoming smile can make anyone feel comfortable and make it look like you have a good time. Others will notice that how to be friendly and believe that you are friendly, pleasant and open to engage in conversation. Some studies have shown that smiling helps reduce anxiety, blood pressure and heart rate, which will also make you feel more comfortable in social situations!

Projects an open posture

When someone feels uncomfortable in a situation, it usually closes physically to the people around him. Pay attention to your position. If you feel nervous or are in a bad mood, remember to stand up straight, keep your shoulders at your sides and lean towards others when they speak to you. Remembering to maintain these positions will help you improve your state and encourage you to attract others to you.

Show that you are interested in what others say by leaning towards them when they speak. Fit your feet, legs and body so that they point towards the person speaking. This shows you that you listen carefully and that you are involved in its history.

Do not cross your arms when you find yourself in social situations. When you have this closed posture, you can project negative signals, such as “I am very busy” or “Leave me alone”. The others will look at your body to see the signs. Therefore, it is important that you pay attention to the signals you show.

Establish eye contact with others often.

In social situations, people look around the room and are likely to start talking to someone if that person makes eye contact with them. Do not look at the floor or at your feet. Look up and pay attention to your surroundings to get the attention of others.

When someone approaches you, smile and maintain eye contact throughout the conversation. In an individual conversation, keep eye contact for periods of 7 to 10 seconds. This simple look will show that you are reliable and that you are interested in the subject.

Do not move in a nervous way.

It’s okay to feel nervous, bored or sad, but if you want to look friendly and sociable, be careful not to project negative emotions. Move from one side to another, biting your nails, turning your hair and other acts of concern can show signs of boredom, stress or nerves. Pay attention to these habits and take a deep breath when you feel like moving in a nervous way.

  • Avoid touching your face frequently. This may indicate that you feel anxious.
  • Tapping your feet may indicate impatience or boredom. Others may think you’re not interested in the conversation.

It reflects the movements of others.

When you converse with someone at a party or at an event, pay attention to their gestures, posture and attitude, and try to emulate them. If that person has an open posture, adopt it too. If you have hand gestures while telling a story, try to do the same. Reflecting a person’s body language can help you develop confidence and establish a connection when you use it sparingly. [10] If you use it properly, it can help you create a positive rapport and tell the other person that you like their company.

Think about your relationship with the person before reflecting their body language. Avoid reflecting someone who is your superior. For example, if you reflect your boss’s body language during a meeting, you might consider him rude and energetic.