The words on everyone’s lips of late are “when lockdown ends”. There’s an echo in the air of that glass half empty belief “I’ll be happy when”; as if happiness and satisfaction will be reinstated when we can go out again, when business resumes, and life as we knew it goes back to ”normal”.
For all conscious creators, there is a misconception that lockdown ending signals when we can really start thinking about manifesting or goal setting again, and that’s when we can dust off those vision boards that we angrily threw to one side. Because as of March in the western world, it started to look like our 2020 goals, hopes and dreams were well and truly off the table. How could opportunity possibly knock during this time when the only person that’s knocked at our door lately was the Uber Eats driver.
For many people, 2020 is cancelled. Written off. Kaput.
What I’ve found during lockdown, and what I’ve always known to be true on my spiritual journey, is the dream only ceases and desists when we stop dreaming. Failure only becomes failure when we give up and believe what we desire isn’t possible.
Desires and visions do not have to go on hold just because our societal matrix as we know it is in hiatus. Taking our taking time to nurture our vibration and still get excited about what we are wildly capable of manifesting, certainly does not depend on Starbucks reopening. How we are using this time in lockdown is crucial to not only what we will energetically create as individuals going forward when we emerge from our cocoons, but also as a collective, for what we want to create on the other side of this groundhog day.
All Manifestation happens when we focus our creative power in the present moment of NOW! And not the moment of “when” or even “if”. There has never been a better time to reconnect to our biggest and wildest visions, despite the outside constructs not appearing to be in our favour. Focus less on what is, and more on what could be. The only limit to our ability to create joy, lies within a mind that bases it’s truths on what the eyes perceive.
Ask yourself these questions to tap into your creative power, and shift your point of attraction out of it’s lockdown rut:
Gratitude – what do you have to be thankful for in this current situation, even if it’s coming back to the basics of oxygen and water, we’ve always got something to be thankful for.
Re-assess – what do you want, what do you truly desire? If anything, lockdown has probably shown you what truly matters in your human experience. You aren’t on this planet to feel mediocre and MEH, so it’s time to get clarity on what you don’t want and how you truly want to feel going forward.
Achievements – what in your life has already given you the feelings of success, love or satisfaction you desire, reconnect to those moments, you’ve had it before and you can have it again! Tapping into these feelings makes you a vibrational match to more of the same and it boosts your belief in possibilities!
Create– when we get present with something that consumes our focus, that time just flies by. In that moment there are no worries, only pure creative energy. What can you create or get your teeth stuck into to shift your focus away from the negatives?
Evolve – what one small action can you do daily to move yourself forward towards your vision? Whether that’s connecting with someone to feel love or clearing out that email box to feel productive, it all counts!
In the words of Abraham Hicks “faith is finding the vibration without the evidence that backs it up”. When you remember that everything is still possible, you open energetic doorways to abundance in all forms from the comfort of your sofa effortlessly. Commit to feeling good and the rest will follow.