The coronavirus has undoubtedly changed the way of life and has locked lots of people in their homes. While some are infected and aren’t allowed to go outside, others are in a lock down to stop the transmission of the visus. The third category are just afraid to have any contact with anyone else and spend most of their time inside their houses. In which group do you belong? Are you fearing that you might lose your sanity cause this new “normal” situation is driving you crazy? Read on to find out some tips that will help you stay sane while you are in isolation and socially distancing yourselves
● Make the best of your smartphones.
Just because you have to distance yourselves from other people it doesn’t mean that you should have zero human contact. Thanks to technology nowadays we can go through this situation more easily.
● Find a new hobby that you can do indoors.
I bet that you have been so comfortable with your previous lifestyle that it hasn’t even occurred to you to take up a new hobby. Now that you get to spend more time on your own think about the things that you have always wanted to do and do them. Writing, drawing, painting, making jewelry, cooking, creating crossword puzzles are definitely an option!
● Stay active and keep fit.
When you stay at home and get bored you tend to open the fridge more often and eat more even if you aren’t hungry. The minimal physical activity can result in obesity and other diseases, so make sure you sign up for an online working out program. It’s of crucial importance that you pay more attention to your health now that you aren’t spending so much time in fresh air and open spaces. Being in track with your Medicare Plans and the things they cover will also make you feel at ease. Have you checked the AARP Unitedhealthcare Medicare plans?
● Go outside every time you can.
If you have the possibility, make sure you spend as much time outside as you can. This doesn’t mean getting together with tons of people. It means going for a walk in open and green spaces that will relax both your body and mind. Go for biking, hiking, swimming or anything else that fulfills you. If you decide to meet with friends always make sure you keep a distance of 2 meters and you wear masks.
● Appreciate the time you have by yourselves and express some self-care.
I’m sure that we are least likely to express care for ourselves, so now it’s the perfect time to do it. Learn how to sit on your own, think about your past and future, and how would you like to live once the coronavirus is over.
Is the light of the tunnel far away? Who knows! I hope that these tips will help you keep a healthy mind and wellbeing!