why to quit your job

Deciding to quit your job takes courage and determination. It also takes self-confidence, knowing that you deserve better.

Reasons to quit your job

1. You dread going to work every day

Waking up with this feeling every day is not only horrible, but it also affects your overall health, mental health, and your life as a whole. 

If you are not happy about your job, to the point that you are extremely stressed only by thinking about it, this will affect your relationships with your family, partner, and friends.

You will lack any positive energy, leading to complaining most of the time about your job and this behavior is difficult to handle by the people around you.

No amount of money in the world is worth your health and sacrificing your life outside of work.

I have personally gone through such an experience and I reached a point where every day when I was coming from work I was crying. I never had the energy to do anything such as going out or meeting friends. I was not even in the mood to spend time with my family or to cook, which I generally truly enjoy. When this started affecting my relationship with my husband, I realized it was not worth it and the day I resigned was the most liberating day in my life.

2. You don’t feel appreciated

Feeling appreciated is different from being praised. I’m talking here about having your accomplishments recognized at work.

If, for example, you managed to close a big deal, hearing “Great job!” from your boss means a great deal to most people.

Of course, we need to be provided with negative feedback as well, as this helps us know what we did wrong so that we can correct our mistakes, learn and grow.

When all you hear is negative feedback, you can’t possibly stay motivated or feel appreciated and that means that it’s probably time to quit your job.

3. You are not trusted

Being micromanaged means your boss doesn’t trust you.

When he or she doesn’t trust you with the smallest tasks, such as sending a proposal to a client or creating a presentation, you might want to reconsider working there.

After working for 5 months for my former boss I asked him why doesn’t he allow me to take at least small decisions by myself in order to speed up some processes. He told me that he doesn’t trust me. When I asked him how is this possible after 5 months, his answer was “I can’t. It’s like someone would come through the door just now. Would you trust him or her?”. It wasn’t really the same situation having worked with someone for 5 months and knowing someone for 2 seconds. Bottom line, that never worked.

4. You are overworked and underpaid

It happens to all of us that a new project comes in with a tight deadline and we need to spend extra time in the office. That is absolutely fine.

The problem is when this is becoming routine and your employer has absolutely no consideration in regards to your private life and health.

If you constantly have extra work and need to put extra time, it means that the company you are working for should hire new people to take over the extra load.

If this is not happening and you are not getting a raise or a bonus, again, it’s time to quit your job and start looking for a new one.

Always remember that employment is a two-way street.

If you are taking the workload of basically two people without extra pay, you need to think about it the other way.

Would your employer accept to pay you a full-time salary if you would only come to the office for 4 hours?

5. You are being disrespected

Again, employment is a two-way street. It’s a relationship and like all the other relationships, it should be built on mutual respect.

If you are being yelled at or treated disrespectfully in any way, you should never accept that.

If this is the only problem that you have at work and you tried raising this with the HR and no action has been taken, it’s time to part ways with your employer.

Believe it or not, in one of my previous jobs, my line manager got into physical fights with two of my colleagues, different days, different reasons, and while I wasn’t sure if my colleagues had spoken to the HR Manager, I went to have a discussion with her because I started fearing going to work, not knowing when my manager is going to explode. Her response was that she can’t do anything because my line manager is considered an asset and I shouldn’t worry about that because I am a girl. I resigned a few days later.

6. You are not growing

If you’ve been stuck in the same role for several years, although your performance is good, the feedback from your manager is good and your overall contribution to the team or company is good, you deserve to grow.

If time after time, whenever your company has a job opening for a better position, they bring someone from outside, although you have applied internally, it might be time to look for another job where your experience and skills will be appreciated and you will be allowed to grow.

Bottom line is, no job in the world is worth sacrificing for. No amount of money can compensate for getting sick.

While most people work because they need the paycheck at the end of the month, what you need to keep in mind, is that once you are out of a toxic environment, it’s much easier to see things clearly.

Once you gain your positive energy back, you’ll have much better chances of finding a better job.

Interviewing while being stuck at a soul-sucking job will only harm you, as you will probably take any opportunity that you will be given and might end up in the same situation.

When your mind is clear and you know exactly what you want, you’ll be more confident and chances are, you’ll find a job that fits in with your career goals and personality.
