how to maintain a self care routine

We all understand how important self care is to our health and wellbeing.

And yet, many of us fail with being consistent when it comes to our wellness rituals. We suddenly realize we’re stressed and anxious, and wonder how we got that way again.

The truth is, real life steps in the way often when it comes to our self care goals.

We’re tired. Busy. Or prioritize badly. Plus, motivation can be lacking when you’re already facing other challenges. These are not small roadblocks.

So, here are a few key tips to maintaining a self care routine that LASTS. Because without a long term plan, you’ll results will always be lacking.

Start Easy

First and foremost, if you have a complicated self care routine, it’s a lot harder to be consistent with it. This isn’t to say it can’t BECOME more complex, but if you’re having a hard time keeping up with your self care, start small. As in, with one action.

So, start with a list. Write down three to five self care activities that make you feel amazing. What’s the most impactful? That’s your first item, so make sure that gets in NO MATTER WHAT in the next few weeks. Then, go from there.

As time passes, you’ll be able to easily add in other activities that make you feel good. And once you get really good at keeping your own commitments, it will be simple to add a little at a time.

Try a Checklist

If you’re like most people, it feels good to check things off a list. So, take that to the next level with a checklist. Check out this Free Weekly Self Care Checklist to get started with one today!

It will make taking care of yourself that much more enjoyable, and you’ll realize that you’re accomplishing more than you know.

Schedule it in

Next, you MUST commit to a specific time and place to take care of yourself.

Most people fail with self care because they never have a clear idea of when they will become the priority. Then, their commitments to others and life get in the way. Eventually, they realize that they’ve put their own physical and mental health off for so long that they’re now facing serious issues.

Don’t be that person! Make a plan today for when and where you’ll meditate, journal, exercise, or pray.

What time? What day? Where will you do it? And how long will you do it for? Get a clear idea BEFORE you perform your nourishing action.


These three things are all you really need to become consistent with your self care routine.

But if you’re looking for even more tips, try getting up a little earlier, taking scheduled breaks throughout your day, and telling a friend your self care goals. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to world class mental and physical health.

It just takes the first step.