Don’t Overthink It
Have a clear idea of what you are dealing with. Indecision often arise from your own thoughts. Overthinking complicates things and leads to confusion. It’s important to know things may or may not go your way. Knowing that change is inevitable helps prevent overthinking. Taking action increases your resilience.
Focus on What You Know
Know when to take action with less information. When the risks are small and reversible. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos uses this decision-making strategy. Type 1 decisions are irreversible, take caution. Type 2 decisions are reversible make them without wasting time.
Making a quick decision has its advantages. The advantage to correct your mistakes, whereas being slow is the expensive way. Make use of the information you have. In most cases, you’ll have limited information and resource to work with.
Waiting for the complete information does not always guarantee a successful outcome. Making the wrong decision may be less costly than not making a decision at all.
Take the Initiative to do Something
Indecision can completely derail your ability to make good decisions. Know what you want, your values, your personality traits and strengths. Your decisions will enable you to adapt to the situation. Invest the right amount of your time and resources to achieve the desired goals.
Keep a fine balance between facts and instincts. Assess the task at hand; find out what you need to know. “Listen to your heart, but take your brain with you.” Break down your objectives into achievable tasks. Focus on long-term eventualities and opt for continuous learning and personal development.