We all have things that matter to us outside of our jobs: our friends, our family, our hobbies, to name a few. But when we’re juggling busy schedules, finding time — and energy — to focus on those things can be a challenge. That’s why we asked some Thrive role models to share how they make time for what’s important to them outside of work. We love the tips they shared:
During one meal a day, put your phone in a separate room.
“Every day at around 6:00 p.m., I leave my phone on my desk and eat dinner with my family. This is our time to disconnect from all of our devices, connect in person, and chat about our day. Our focus is on one another, as we talk about our favorite parts of our day, and what may have been difficult or challenging. This is a way we stay connected and show that we matter to each other.”
—Laura Padilla, Zoom
Create a self-care window before the workday begins — even for just a few minutes.
“I have kept to my habit of carving out time for myself each morning. Most of the time, it is my walk, but sometimes on these very busy days it is just a moment of self-reflection at the start of the day. I find that if I can get this time for myself before the morning begins, I can be my most productive during the day.”
—Yvette Smith, Microsoft
Schedule regular check-ins with friends.
“I’ve started making time for deeper conversations with family, friends, and co-workers, learning about how different people are experiencing the world, and asking about what’s most meaningful in their lives. Our check-ins are just more meaningful and less surface-level. I feel like I know the people in my life better now than at any other time. I feel more deeply connected in my relationships.”
—Denise Rundle, Microsoft