Thinking is a continual action we engage in; consciously or unconsciously. It determines the outcome of our life greatly, whether we are aware of it or not. Are your thoughts serving you?

I love to weigh powerful words in my mind and allow it marinate my soul. As a deeply introspective individual, it is not surprising that this self-help classic is a favorite of mine which I would like to share with you as my actionable book review. I enjoy this classic by James Allen so much, that I bound myself to reading it once a year. In the past 4 years, I ensure to read it within the first 90 days of the year. It helps to reset, reshape and rejuvenate my thinking.

Having an active mind, my thought life is an area that I keep cultivating. Therefore, it is imperative that I am proactive and intentional in developing a mind that helps me, and not the type that hurts me. Just like we have spring cleaning every year, it is always good to detox our minds, and let go of anything that might hinder us. Let go of anything that doesn’t serve us.

This classic was written in 1902 by James Allen, a typical Tolstoyan who was a strong proponent of a MASTERMIND. Allen wrote 15 other classics in the early 1900s. All worth reading. Here are a few takeaways from this classic that has built me over the years.

  1. Our predominant thought determines our actions and inactions. What we focus on will grow. As a result, our character, life output and destiny are all determined by that seed of thought. Watch, control, and alter your thoughts if possible to be what you want it to be.
  2. Our mind is a garden. The law of sowing and reaping applies fully here. We will get in return what we allow in the soil of our mind. Improve your mind, improve your life. We may not be able to choose our circumstances, but we can choose out thoughts.
  3. Our thoughts are so powerful, that it impacts our health. Whatever we struggle with in terms of health, and fitness can be directly linked to our thoughts. Perhaps, that health problem or addiction has a stinking thinking at its root? Perhaps??
  4. Thinking with a purpose is highly recommended. “Thinking” is an activity we are involved in daily; consciously or unconsciously. Why not let it serve you? Allen put it so well when he said, “Think strongly, attempt fearlessly, accomplish masterfully”.
  5. The Thought Lid: We cannot rise above the level of our thinking. Our level of achievement is directly proportional to our thoughts. It is therefore recommended to employ watchfulness to our thoughts. Sacrifice is also another factor that is directly linked to achievement. “He who would accomplish little, must sacrifice little. He who would achieve much must sacrifice much. He who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly”, Mr. Allen emphasized.
  6. DREAM: Allen encouraged to dream lofty dreams. For as we dream, so shall we become. Have high visions. Cherish your dreams. Cherish your visions. Dreamers are the saviors of the world. “The greatest achievement was at first, and for a time, a dream”, says Allen.
  7. CALM: A calm mind is a powerful mind. A calm mind translates to a calm man who is powerful, revered and balanced. People are drawn to such, as it is a high level of self-control.

This is a short book and worth a read, I tell ya! It can be found easily as a downloadable free pdf. Of the entire book, I consider this a life-changing paragraph-

“Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armory of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to the Divine Perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their maker and master”

As we think, so we are. As we continue to think, so we remain.

Originally published at on April 24, 2017.

Originally published at


  • EagleWorks

    Different by Design. Divergent Thinker. People Developer. Invites you to look at the world through a different set of binoculars and microscope.