There’s that saying, “put other people first.” While I believe in putting others’ first, I also believe that there are boundaries. It’s good to put yourself first. In fact, it should be a priority. By putting yourself first, you’re actually putting other people first as well. You can’t take care of others without taking care of yourself.

Be your own priority. Whether you use a physical planner or your phone to schedule tasks, make sure to put you on your “to do” list and follow through. You are your most important work. Look at your calendar on a daily basis and make sure YOU are the first thing you work on before doing anything else.

Errands, phone calls, emails can all wait. They’re not going anywhere. I promise you they’ll still be there. We’re so overwhelmed and bombarded with everything else that we have going on in our life that we don’t take time to nurture ourselves.

We’re our own worst critic. We should have more compassion towards ourselves. Treat ourselves the way we want others to treat us. When we have that inner critic, that voice that starts talking to us, we need to learn to preach to ourselves what we would preach to others. Learn to be kinder and gentler to yourself. What advice would you give to your friends? Give yourself that same advice.

Write positive affirmations that resonate with you. Put them around your house where you can remind yourself. Look at them, read them. Say them to yourself out loud. The more you do this the more you’ll start to believe.

Sleep is underrated but it is so important. I can’t stress this enough. No pun intended. If you’re not getting enough hours of sleep or you’re not getting REM sleep, you’re doing a disservice to your physical and emotional wellbeing. It is crucial to our overall health. You should start winding down at least two hours before going to bed. Turn off lights including blinking lights on your phone and computer. Less stimulation the better for a good night’s rest.

Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter releases feel good hormones that helps with reducing stress. Have you ever laughed so much that your stomach or cheeks hurt? Think of something that you found funny before that made you laugh. Are you laughing? Get in the habit of making laughter part of your daily dose of medicine.

Have you ever noticed that when you go to a restaurant that the number one color you see is red? Do you know why that is? The color red stimulates hunger and increases appetite. So, whether you want to feel joyful and happy or calm and relaxed, you want to have colors that are visually appealing in your home or anywhere where you can see it that makes you feel good.

It’s ok to say no. By saying no to other people and things, you’re saying yes to yourself. Only say yes to doing things that are in alignment with who you are as a person and your beliefs. Say no to anyone or anything that doesn’t bring you joy. Being true to yourself and being happy should be number one.

Reward yourself. It can be something simple. Meditate. Take up yoga. Have a bubble bath. Do something relaxing. I’m not encouraging that you go out spending money, but if you do, get yourself an hour massage, a new hairstyle or outfit. These aren’t luxuries but considered a necessity. They help boost confidence and positive body image.

Get moving. Workout. Exercise. Get into a routine. You don’t have to spend a monthly membership at the gym to get in a great workout. You just have to get your heart rate going. Thirty minutes of consistent exercise is beneficial. Just start moving and you’ll soon feel the benefits.

Read a good book. Listen to podcasts. Watch positive YouTube channels. Whatever it is, feed your mind with positivity. This is important for a positive mindset.

Last but truly first and foremost, love yourself. Again, put yourself as a priority on your list everyday. Do things that help you relax. Do something everyday that is fun and makes you smile. Set aside some me time, specifically, in the morning to start your day. Give yourself some self love and you’re telling the Universe that you’re worth it and you deserve it.