Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you
People in this world always look out for ways where they can hone their particular skills, develop the talents they believe they have and get on the path to making their careers a success. Through his passion and his drive to become successful, JD Rex has achieved the status of a high performing professional, who has shown his prowess in not just one but as good as 20 successful business ventures, where he has either been a partner or an owner.
Johnny Dominguez says, stress is one of the inescapable aspects of life, especially modern digital life, and sometimes it can get the best of you. This is especially true for entrepreneurs, including those with e-commerce stores. Saying stress is bad is a bit of an oversimplification as stress is often a necessary driving force in our lives. However, when stress gets out of control that’s when it can do more harm to your health, productivity and overall quality of life.
When did you realize peace of mind for the last time? Your answer indicates the intensity of your happiness. This happiness often comes from satisfaction in your corporate life and your personal life. Peace of mind can come from a simple activity like walking for a mile, taking a deep breath, gossiping with close friends, etc.
He says one of the causes of stress in business is having so many things to work upon that none of them get done! Rank your tasks from greatest to least. Focus on the most important ones, and then move down the list. Do not get overwhelmed by the length of your list. Just focus upon what you need to do next.
Johnny says increasing acceptance is very important for peace of mind. You need to understand that there are a few things in life that you need to accept. Learning to accept the uncertainty is a huge factor and can improve your peace of mind. So, analyze about what you can and what you can’t control. Accept the reality of this world and try to understand what life really is. Unless you’ve exposed yourself to the ways of living, hardship and difficulties, you would remain in a dreamland. So, improve your acceptance otherwise you would fall into a pit and would not be able to find a way out.
Let’s discuss some tips that can make you stress-free in your E-Commerce life.
Focus on your strengths
To curb the mind’s habit of anticipating the worst, focus instead on what your business is doing right. How can you adapt those strengths to the current situation? Problem-solving is a key factor in stress management.
Give yourself the confidence to problem solve and plan ahead by outlining your business’s strengths. This simple practice is enough to remind you that you have a choice: obsess on the worst outcome or do what you can right now to ensure your business’s ongoing success.
Be Positive
Remind yourself about what’s going right. In these difficult times, it is easy to only focus on the things that are going wrong. List out all your accomplishments and milestones you’ve achieved – There are probably more than you realize.
Sometimes we find ourselves swamped and feel overwhelmed. What to do first? How to get it all done? A simple prioritization strategy can help you out of this quagmire. Draw a small four by four grid – that’s 4 sections based on two criteria Urgency and Importance. List your tasks in each of the four categories. It should look something like this.
Take Breaks
Stepping away from the problem for even a few minutes can refresh and calm the mind. Taking breaks prevents burnouts. Do something that relaxes you. Go for a walk. Indulge in a hobby. Call a friend. Watch a funny video. Don’t do anything business-related.