On these internet streets, the universe connected me with Vivinne , a powerfully spiritual woman who is a manifestation and mindset coach.  

On my YouTube channel, we recorded a powerful conversation on how to create the life you want through manifesting and shifting your mindset.

What I loved about her presentation is that she broke the subject down and made it realistic.

For those who aren’t so spiritual, and even for those who are, she explains what manifesting truly is and what books like The Secret left out. She also gives you practical tips to start the journey of creating the life that you love.

If you’ve never given manifesting a try, this is the perfect video for you. If you’ve had some practice with manifesting, then this video will help you sharpen your skills.

Here’s a little sip of the tea:

One vital tip that Vivinne shared to help you build those manifestation muscles is positive thinking. You need to train your mind to be positive in every situation. This doesn’t mean you have to always be happy, it just means that you need to see the opportunity in every situation.

So, the next time things don’t go your way, ask yourself, what is one good thing about this situation? What can I learn from this situation? What am I grateful for in this circumstance?

Try it out and tell me how much your life has improved or how much better you feel.

And if you want to harness your manifesting magic, make sure you check out the video, comment, like, and subscribe.