Now is Your New Next
Fill your bucket in 2019!
Kick off the new year not with a new you, but with a refreshed perspective on what is possible for the existing you to achieve! Your one-thing is the catalyst to begin and to STOP waiting and start implementing the life and the legacy that you want TODAY!
Ready to create success?
Start now!
So, what is your one-thing?
What is that thought, idea, plan, goal, or next step that you most want in your life? If you could pick one personal and one professional “thing” what would it be?
Once you grab hold of your one-thing (or two-things!) get ready to make them come alive!
Challenge yourself to do ONE new thing every week for 52 weeks to support your one-thing! This ONE new weekly challenge will boost your pride and reinforce your confidence in goal-doing rather than simply goal-setting.
Get started here:
- Print a blank calendar so that you can see all the weeks of the year laid out for you.
- Choose a weekly celebration, action-step or ritual that reinforces your one-thing and make this one-thing an active part of your week. Make sure to vary your action steps so that you do not become complacent or bored with committing to them.
- Record every week’s results, no matter what the outcomes in a small notebook. This is your success and growth journal. Keep it simple and refer to it often.
- At the end of each month re-read your entries. Reflect upon the following:
- How did you feel when you completed each of the steps toward your one-thing?
- Can you do another step just like this?
- Did you celebrate your successes?
- What is different for you when you can celebrate your growth regardless of the outcome?
- How can you build upon this concept for 52 weeks?
You have now created an ongoing tribute to the one-thing that is possible!
The one-thing that previously scared you.
The one-thing that you did not have time for.
The one-thing that you said you would do, yet you did not until…now.
The real achievement in mastering your one-thing every week is that it creates a habit of getting things done that matter the most to you. There is nothing more rewarding then reflecting on progress and knowing that you made every step of that happen without being attached to the outcomes. Instead, you took positive action without waiting for the finish line, reaching perfection, being fearless like a Super Hero, or finding the 25th hour in the day. You allowed your one-thing to guide you forward by choice in the present moment, successfully… because now is your new next!