stay at home mom

Being a working parent is stressful. On top of the stress of the job, taking care of a kid is a full-time responsibility. While kids are no easy task, making the leap back into the workforce can also be scary. 

Making the decision to go back to work after time as a stay-at-home mom is a big change. You might have different professional needs than before you had kids, and the ever-changing professional landscape can feel daunting at first. However, 70 percent of stay-at-home moms eventually go back to work, so it’s clear that stay-at-home moms are here to make their mark on the workforce.

If you’re a stay-at-home mom looking to get back into the workforce, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about navigating a successful career re-entry

Have a Clear Understanding of Your Needs and Goals

As a mom, your professional needs are likely different than they were before. It’s important to consider the following things to ensure your needs are being met as a working mom:

  • Flexible work from home policy
  • Time off
  • Maternity and sick leave
  • Family health benefits

You should also be considering your working mom career goals. Do you want to work to make ends meet, or are you aspiring towards upwards mobility in your career? Do you want full-time work, or would you prefer a flexible part-time position? 

These are just a few of the types of questions you just ask yourself to gain a clear understanding of your needs and goals as a working mom. 

Consider the Three Cs

The three Cs stands for classes, conferences, and certifications, and they are all great ways to advance your career trajectory as a stay-at-home mom. 

Classes are a great choice to learn about topics you’re interested in at a pace that works for you. You can gain deeper insight into a topic and have the structure of a feedback mechanism for your learning. Remote conferences are an intensive-learning experience, usually lasting up to a weekend, where you can learn from industry leaders about relevant topics. Lastly, certifications are a relatively quick way to gain credibility in a topic to show employers that you mean business. 

Use the below chart to figure out which of the three Cs is right for you.

Get Help From Working Moms

Many other working moms were likely in the same position that you’re in now. While being a stay-at-home mom can feel isolating, remember that there are many working moms who would be happy to share their expertise and insight with you. Try setting up a few zoom chats or phone calls with working moms to understand how they navigated going back to work with a child. 

As a stay-at-home mom, writing your resume can be one of the most intimidating parts of going back to work. It’s important to craft a resume that’s compatible with applicant tracking systems, which you can do by:

  • Using keywords from job postings
  • Using a recognized format with easy-to-read font
  • Making sure your resume looks professional and modern

As a working mom, it’s important to stay focused and sharp during your day so you can be on top of your work.

Ready to get your career started? Check out the infographic below for a complete guide to going back to work as a stay-at-home mom.